Welcome to Fairy Tail

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"We should hold a small celebration for Cosmica in honer of her getting her guild mark" Master Makarov says

"YEAH!!!" everyone agrees

"I think they just want a reason to drink and be loud as usual" Lucy sighs and I giggle at this

"I'll set the mood with a performance" Gajeel said, in a suit and with a guitar in hand

"Shubi duba!"

"Uh" I'm surprised to see this side of Gajeel

Even with Gajeel's umm 'unique' performance, everyone in in a partying mood

"Sheesh man. I'm so jealous of you. You found the love of your life. I wonder when I'll find mine" Gray says to Leo

"I'm sure you'll meet her soon" Leo says

"What about Juvia?" I ask curiously

"I see her as a stalker and a friend at the same time. Besides, I don't have any romantic feelings for her" Gray sighs

"I want to meet the one whose meant for me" Gray says

"You will man" Leo chuckles

"*Giggle* 'this reminds me of my conversation with constella. They both want to find their true love'" I giggle

Leo and Gray looks at me

"What's so funny" Gray asks

"Oh it's nothing. Your conversation just reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister from before about finding true love" I say

"Wait. You have a sister?" Gray asks

"She has two younger sisters actually" Leo says

"You and my sister, the second princess are a lot alike in that sense" I giggle again

"Hmm. I see"

Everyone is starting to get livelier and livelier

"Let's play truth or dare" Mirajane says

"Alright. I'll go first. Gray! Exclaim that I'm the most powerful wizard ever!" Natsu dares

"In your dreams" Gray says

Then an argument started between them

"I'll go next" says Leo

"Cosmica. I dare you to give me a kiss on the lips" he dares

"*Giggle* You would like that wouldn't you?" I tease before kissing him on the lips

Everybody cheers, excluding Gray and Natsu of course

"Juvia's next" says Juvia

"Cosmica! Do you have feelings for my darling Gray?" Juvia asks passionately

"He's really nice and easy to talk to. But I already have my darling Leo. Besides I only see him as a bother like friend" I say as I stare lovingly at Leo

Juvia sighs in relief "Juvia is relieved to hear that"

"Just so everybody knows. You all have to ask the person 'truth or dare'. Not decide for them" I point out

Everyone laughs

Someone starts playing ballroom music

"Cosmica, dance with me!" a guy exclaims

"No no. Dance with me!" says another

"Cosmica, can I have this dance?" Leo asks, offering his hand for me to take

"*Giggle* I would love to" I say as I take his hand and we start dancing

All the guys who wanted to dance with me, falls down in disappointment

"Well aren't you a good dances" I comment

"Of course. I have to be if I want to be worthy of you"

"Aww" I hug him

"Attention everyone. It's time for Cosmica to have our guild mark" says master, on top of a table

"Come on" Leo says as he leads me to the table where Master Makarov is

On the way there, everyone starts clapping

"So, where do you want your guild mark at?" Mirajane asks

I start to think

"I think I want it between my shoulder blades" I say

Mirajane nods and put the fairy tail guild mark between my shoulder blades


Everybody cheers


"I'm so happy to be a part of Fairy Tail. Thank you everyone for accepting me" I say emotionally

"YAY!!!" everyone cheers once more

"Welcome to the family" says master

"Thank you" I smile

"Let's continue this party!" I say


The party continues into the night. I'm currently sitting on a bench, when Leo approached me

"Hey cosmica. Let's go to the rooftop" Leo said

"Are we going stargazing?" I ask

"Not quite. Come on" he says as he hold out his hand

"Alright" I giggle as I take his hand

We teleport to the guild's rooftop

"Now will you tell me what we are doing here?" I laugh

"There's gonna be fireworks later at midnight"

"Really!?" I ask excitedly

"Yeah. And this is the best spot to watch it. Just the two of us" he says as he hold my hand

"Yeah" I nod happily

(11:58 pm)


"You know I love you right?" Leo says out of the blue

"*Giggle* Of course I know"

"That's good"

"Why did you ask all of a sudden"

"I just want to make sure that I'm not dreaming. Because, I've been dreaming of us being together for as long as I could remember. Even if this is a dream. I never want to wake up" he says as he leans his forehead to mine

"Well, I can assure you. This is not a dream"

I kiss Leo on the lips

(12:00 am) (midnight)
Fireworks starts bursting through the sky

Leo and I part and lean on each other's foreheads again

"Welcome to Fairy Tail my Celestial Spirit Princess"

Fairy Tail: Celestial love (Loke x OC) [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now