Identity Revealed

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"Wait a minute, Loke and I are not dating" Lucy says while walking towards me

"Save your excuses" I say

How do you two know each other?" Erza asks

"We use to hang out a lot back in the Celestial Spirit World" I answer, my eyes still on Leo

Everyone is shocked by my revelation

"SHE'S A SPIRIT TOO!?!" they exclaim in unison

I continue to stare at Leo and Lucy with burning rage

'I will not accept this, their relationship. This is a forbidden love!'

'Is Loke the one she mentioned to me earlier...could be. Who is this girl?'

'Who is this girl?'

'I don't even know what's going on anymore'

Suddenly, Cosmica stepped closer to me and Lucy, still having a distance between us

"I Cosmica, The Celestial Spirit Princess cannot allow a spirit having a forbidden love with his key holder! You two must break up unless you want another celestial punishment! No matter how much you deny it, I know the truth, so there's no point hiding it!" she declares as she points her finger at us angrily

'Wait. She thinks Lucy and I are lovers? Well I did kinda flirted with her earlier, but I swear I didn't mean it that way. Is she the certain storm the king mentioned?'

"Why do you keep saying Loke and I are lovers? We're not dating, I swear and... Did you just say that you're-" i said

as the other members at the guild and loke's fangirls finished my last words along side with me


"Yes" is her simple answer

"So that means you're-" she cuts me off

"The Celestial Spirit King's daughter of course!" she exclaims

"But he's gigantic, and you're not" I said

"You got a problem with my height?!" she asks, glaring daggers at me

I tense up and spoke

"What? No, ofcourse not! You're really pretty"

"Hmph, flatter me all you want, it won't make me go easy on you two" she glares

I close my mouth in fear

'Now that's how a real man glare!'

She's glaring really hard at Lucy, and I can clearly see the fear in Lucy's eyes. I decide to step in

"Cosmica" I call

She turns to face me, still glaring

I couldn't think of anything else to say because my mind is blank from the situation, so I say what first comes to mind

"How are you?"

The anger in her eyes fills with sadness. She lowers her head, her bangs covering her eyes and clenching her fists

"'How are you?' is that the only thing you have to say to me after for so long of not seeing each other!?! I've been worried sick about you!!!" She yells

Her tears starts falling, I notice. This sight is making my heart ache

"It's not what you think, I can explain everything" I say desperately

"No. No more explanations, I'm sick and tired of all this. I don't want to talk to you anymore, so never speak to me again, got that!?!" She says angrily

"Cosmica wai-" she disappears before I could stop her

"Well this is awkward" says happy

Fairy Tail: Celestial love (Loke x OC) [BOOK 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें