Team Natsu: New Mission

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Me, Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy and Carla walked/fly towards Loke and Cosmica, who by the way is sitting with Levy, Jet, Droy, Gajeel and Pantherlily

"Hi guys. Can we borrow Loke and Cosmica for a bit?" I ask

"Sure" Levy nods

Loke and Cosmica follows us outside the guild. I showed them a paper containing a mission

"So we could use some help from you Loke and we were wondering if you'd like to join us Cosmica" Natsu says

"Plus we can get to know each other better and we'll be closer than ever" Erza says as she hugs Cosmica which Cosmica giggles to

"Yeah I agree" Wendy smiles

"Of course I'll come with. I am Lucy's spirit after all" Loke says

"Well if Leo is going then I'm going too" Cosmica says crossing her arms

We're now riding the train to our destination. Natsu being Natsu, sticks his head out the window wanting to puke

"How much is the price money again?" Gray asks

I check and say

"Well it says here that if we defeat the wizards and take back the town's most important item, which is a pendant belonging to the town's founder. We will receive 800,000 yen"

"That's alot of money" erza said

I take out a book that I borrowed from Levy about the town

"And get this it is said to have magic inside of it. It is the town's good luck charm. And this is the only piece of item belonging to the founder that was left. The picture of the pendant and the founder isn't clear though"

"What happened to the founder?" Wendy asks

"Well it's not clear. It says here though that she tried to protect the people in the town by fighting the wizards who came to take over their town all by herself. The wizards who attacked was never heard from again, but the same goes to the town's founder. People tried searching for her but the only thing they found is the pendant that she always wore. Some people felt magic energy from it" I say as I read the book

"So the founder is a wizard?" Carla says

"it says here that she is. In fact, she is the only wizard in the town. Everyone loves her"

"Wow" Cosmica says in awe as she listen

"How old is she?" Happy asks

"She found the town when she was twenty years old. She started building houses for those who gets lost and end up there. She planted crops and raised animals. She finished building a small village two years later. The town started to become populated when she was twenty three. The town people started to build more buildings. And the town is more beutiful than ever, that was when the founder was twenty five years old. The town was named the most beautiful and peaceful town five years later, she was twenty five at that time. That's also the year when the wizards started attacking the village and the year she disappeared. Twenty years have past since then" I say sadly as I read the last words on the last page of the book

"That's really sad" Erza says

"She was so young, yet so brave" Loke comments

"So now, she's about fifty years old now" Gray says

"What's her name?" carla asked

"Well. Let's see. No one really knows her name, they just refer to her as Himari as she is like a sun to them" I say as I read the book

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