Trick or Treat Meet and Greet

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We all know Halloween is a controversial subject in these parts. Is the horror genre your bread and butter, or your kryptonite? The color orange - yay or nay? Is it really worth all the work of decorating and dressing up for the buy-one-get-one stapler coupons you get from your stingy Gold neighbor? We don't know, but we plan to brashly trundle into the metaphorical minefield anyway.

Wattpad Halloween is October 28th! Here's what we at The Quarry have in store. Of course, our best and brightest have been hard at work setting up The Spooktacular Scavenger Hunt, which goes live tomorrow - don't forget it! We hope to see all your bright sunshiney faces combing through Wattpanem! But that's not all...

The Trick or Treat Meet and Greet

-This event will be LIVE at 8:00 PM EST on Saturday, October 28th.

-We know there is probably no time that will work for everyone, and especially with different time-zones, things get complicated. We tried our best to choose one that will be open for the most people, and are truly sorry for those who have conflicts. Hopefully, you can still participate in the other events.

-Starting at the time above, we will all meet on the AGHQ page. That will last about 10-15 minutes so the stragglers have time to join up, and we all have the time to froth up into a manic frenzy. Also, we'll put up a link to a Google hangout just for another method of communication. Then we will randomly determine which profile on our route we will go to next. There we will admire the decorations (more on those later) and if we're lucky, get a treat (info also upcoming). Basically, imagine Wattpad AG as a neighborhood, profiles are the homes and everyone will decorate them and all the festivities, and we will all walk around in costume, and ask for treats, tricking those who don't give in (but actually, kindly moving on, because we're understanding kiddos).

-Sign up with us by commenting below that you'd like to participate, and you'll  be put on our route for the evening. If you have a conflict for the live event but still want to do the other activities? Sign up! Too busy to do any of the crafts, but still want to have fun with us all for the main event? That's okay too! We would like to stress that this is a casual event, and we're all in it for a bit of fun, so don't worry about any commitments.  The worst that could happen is an angry mob showing up at your profile page. Heh-heh, you think we're kidding.


Costumes are an essential element to any good Halloween romp, taking from ideals of the masquerade to excuse a night of transgressions - such as wild parties or even holding up old ladies for Snickers bars. Of course, we're gonna need some of our own to tame our moral inhibitions before spamming all our friends. Try to upload your costume as your profile picture by the time the event starts, but of course, you can change after the fact too. 

-Really you can do anything you can imagine, as long as it's appropriate (if you aren't sure, please ask us). You can draw or photoshop an outfit on your usual profile picture, take a picture of yourself in your costume for this year if you have one, or even use a picture of the character you want to dress up as for the night.

Pumpkin Carving

  Like your costume, this is another chance to express yourself artistically. This time you're 'carving' a pumpkin. Use the templates below - which have been optimized for the Wattpad background - or anything else you want to, to make anything from a jack-o-lantern to an elaborate design on it. We would suggest using black to draw the pattern on, but do whatever works best for you and your idea. Also, there are three pumpkins on the template just because that's what works best for the Wattpad background, but three is absolutely no need to decorate all three if your design can't be duplicated, and if you don't use the templates and have any trouble fitting it to the frame, send us your picture and the apparently sometimes lovely Seamus Keaton will work his magic. Once the event is getting started, upload your pumpkin as your profile background to share it with the world! 

 Once the event is getting started, upload your pumpkin as your profile background to share it with the world! 

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The AG community is a greedy and ravenous entity; you'll have to have something to satiate it! Again be creative, and it can be as big or small as you want. Some ideas to get you thinking are a short story, a wholesome message, a graphic, a riddle/joke, or maybe an update! We are sure some of you will come up with treats we never would've thought of and they'll all be great! Ideally, you will keep it secret until the group ends up at your profile, but of course, you can reveal it earlier if you have to. 

What Do I Do Now? 

-First, make sure you comment down below to get on our list. 

-Then complete as many of the crafts above as you please, and get ready to unveil your fantastic work on the date! Keep your treat if you have one to yourself until the mob shows up at your profile door, though. 

- Come on over to the AGHQ message board on 8:00 PM EST October 28th if you dare. Muahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahem. Excuse me.  We will be there to lead you through a wild, and hopefully entertaining, night. 

-If you have any questions, please ask us. Comment, PM, any way you can get a hold of us, we are happy to clear things up, recommend methods for doing projects, or even just talk. 

Cheers, The AGHQ team.  

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