Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lena's P.O.V

I wake up still on the couch, from the night before. I notice Brandon is longer on my feet by the weight difference. I feel like I am being watched. So I roll over, and my suspicions are right. Stef was propped on one arm and watching me sleep. She leans forward and kisses my shoulder the my lips. It was slow, but passionate. She pulls away smiling.

"How are my two favourite people on this lovely Saturday morning." I smile at her words.

"Good." Just when I say that, my stomach grumbles. We both giggle.

"Hungry?" She asks.

"Always." We both laugh at my comment.

"Well then let's go and get some breakfast." I smile. She takes me by the hand and pulls me too the kitchen, where Brandon is eating a bowl. "Did you get that all by yourself, buddy?" She asked. He nodded his head and carried on eating. I noticed he was pretty quiet. Usually when we come into the room her runs towards us and gives us hugs in the morning. But he didn't this morning. Was he not excited about the baby? He was all excited last night.

"You okay buddy?" I asked. I wanted to know what was wrong. I don't like seeing my little boy upset. Stef walks over to the counter and was getting some coffee for herself and tea for me.

"I have to daddy's. I don't want to go. He will start drinking or something. It isn't any fun at daddy's. We don' do anything. I sit in my room playing with my toys while he watches football. And plus, I just found out that I am getting a little sister or little brother. I don't want to leave. Please don't make me leave." Oh my poor little boy. I don't understand. Mike says he wants to spend time with his son an doesn't do anything with him, when they are together.

I hug him. He hugs me back.

"It's okay, buddy. Maybe if you ask daddy really nicely he might let you stay here this weekend. And then we can go tot he pier or someth-."Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. Stef looked back from the sink when she realised I stopped talking.

"Lena?" Stef's voice full of concern.

"Mama?" I could tell he was worried too. I run to the bathroom and running feet close behind. I crouch in front of the toilet. I start puking and Stef is behind me pulling my hair out of my face and rubbing my back. I finish and lean back into Stef's embrace. I am laying in her arms and her hands are on my stomach.

"I'm sorry, Babe." I say. I feel terrible for this. I know it is just morning sickness. But now that I am pregnant, She will be behind me all the time pulling my hair out of my face, till my second trimester.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. This is all normal. It's okay, Love. I have done this all before. I know what to expect and I am here, Love. I am here to help you through it. That's one of  the reasons I am here, is so I can be here to support you and love you every step of the way." I puke again. "It's okay, Love." She was rubbing  my back and keeping my hair out of my face. I was felt so loved. She loved me even through this. She loved the puking side of me. I love her dearly and she loves me too. I am so excited to have this baby and I am so excited, to be having this baby with Stef.

I finish and lean back, again. I love you too. I think it but can't manage  to say it. I know she knows that I love her but I want to say it.

"I love you too." I finally form the words and smile. I look up at her face, seeing that she is smiling too. I started feeling a bit better so I reached up pulling her face to mine and kissed her. She kisses me back. I adjust so I'm not upside down. We are interrupted by the door. We both giggle. Stef gets up first, then turns to help me up. We both get up and go get the door with Brandon behind us peeking his head around our legs, Stef's arm around my waist.

Stef opened the door and Mike was standing at the door. He was here to pick up Brandon.

"Hello, Mike." said Stef. She still didn't like this man but she accepted the fact that he would be here every other weekend to pick up Brandon.

"Hello, Stef, Lena." He said nodding his head to both of us. "You ready to go, B?" He shook his head no.

"Brandon has something to ask you." Said Stef. I didn't talk much when it came to Mike. I didn't really know him. All I knew is that He was married to Stef and he picked up Brandon, drunk.

Brandon moved slowly in front of us.

"Can I stay with my mommies this weekend?" He asked his father, his voice quiet practically a whisper. Mike knelt down in front of him.

"Why Buddy?"

"Because of a secret." I knew he was talking about me being pregnant, but we weren't telling Mike because really, it's none of his business.

"And what is that." Mike asked. He might as well sit here and interrogate him. He is digging for information and I know Brandon won't tell him. Brandon is a bad secret keeper but, I trust him that he won't tell Mike about me. Just then I felt sick to my stomach again I ran to the bathroom.

"Mama!" Shouted Brandon. Stef runs behind me with the same routine as before.

"Oh my god, Lena are you okay?" Asked Mike.

"It's okay, Mike she just has the stomach flu." She responded for me, lying.

"Okay." He says in response. I hear a quiet voice over my vomiting. "B?" Asked Mike. His voice barley audible.

"Yes daddy?" Asked Brandon clear.

"Why do you want to stay home?"

"Because, I want to stay with my mommies while Mama has the flu."

"B, She is not your mom. She is your mommy's girlfriend. She is not a mama to you. She is nothing you only have two parents, like the rest of the normal kids in your class." That's all it took. I was finished for now and Stef had asked me if she could leave. I told her it was fine because I knew she was kicking Mike out.

She was getting up when I heard,

"Oh hey, Stef." Said Mike. Stef groaned as I think she was picking up Brandon.

"Mommy, Daddy told me that Lena wasn't my mama and she was nothing and she was just your girlfriend." He whispered a loud enough whisper for me to hear.

"I know bud I heard." Stef said normally. I could hear the fury in Stef's tone. "Mike I think it is best for you to leave. Brandon will not be going to your house this weekend." She said. I heard the door open. I couldn't hear if anyone was talking again but I heard the next thing Stef said to
Mike." And for your information, Lena is just as much Brandon's parent as me and you are. And really she is more his parent then you. She is the one who spends time with him and takes care of him when I am at work. And he told us you didn't do anything with him you just watch the football game."

"Brandon, We went to the zoo last weekend." He said.

"Lies." Said Brandon. I smiled at Brandon sticking up for himself without anything physical.

"Whatever. I am not hav-." Then Stef cut him off.

"Fine then. Goodbye." I heard the door slam. I hear Stef and Brandon giggling, then Brandon runs off. Stef enters the bath room and sits beside me. "You feeling better?" She asks.

"Ya." Then my stomach grumbles. I remember that I didn't at anything before I started getting sick. we both laugh. "I guess we're hungry too." she gets up and helps me up again, leading me to the kitchen and to a stool. I sit and watch her running around the kitchen gathering ingredients for breakfast. This is my life now. A lovely and beautiful girlfriend, doing things for me, a son who loves me dearly enough to tell his dad off and a baby on the way. I was happy with the way my life was working out and I don't want it to change unless life brings me good things.

Damn it Mike why do you have to be, such an ass. Lol.

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