Chapter Thirty-Three

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Lena's P.O.V

"Okay thank you." I say casually. Stef walks into the room. I am calm and collected. I don't want her to know. Brandon was at his dad's, so Stef and I had the house to ourselves.

"Hey, Love." Said Stef seating herself beside me.


"Who was on the phone?"

"My Mom. She was just wondering the plans for this Christmas." I lied.

"Oh. Did you mention me?" She asked smiling.

"Yes I did. She already knows about you. She just hasn't met you yet." I smile back.

"I know. I can't wait to meet her and your dad. You haven't met my mom yet. I don't want to meet my dad."

"Why not?"

"Because he is against gay people."

"I am sure he will still be nice to me."

"I don't know. I don't want you to meet him and he start to make rude comments."

"I've heard it all before."

"That doesn't make it right, Love." She puts her hand on my forearm stroking her thumb on it. "He doesn't get to sit here, let you into his house and give you rude comments about your sexuality and who you fall in love with."

I lean in and kiss her soft pink lips. It was soft but passionate. I pull back, resting my forehead on her's.

"I love you." I say, as her legendary smirk, the one that makes my legs turn to jello, grows across her face. I always loved when she was protecting me.

"I love you too." She pulls my head back in for more.


"I love you, Stefanie Marie Foster." She says before kissing me again.

"I love you too, Lena Elizabeth Adams." She smiles. She kisses me again.

"Now I am tired."

"How about we go up to bed?" I suggested.

"That sounds lovely." I gather my clothes, with me being the only one naked and she grabs her shirt. I head upstairs. She strips the rest of the way so I don't feel lonely. We hop in bed with me spooning her. I love this women to death, and no one will ever change that.

The next morning
Lena's P.O.V

We wake up in the same position we fell asleep in. I smell bacon.

"What is that smell?" Asked Stef.

"Breakfast. I think." We both laugh.

"Then who is downstairs?" We both look at each other. We quickly get in pajamas so it is still comfortable. We get down stairs and Mike is in the living room.

"Mike?" Asked Stef.

"Oh, hey Stef."

"How did you get in here?" Asked Stef. I could tell she was confused and mad to see him in the house without her knowing.

"Your mom let me in."

"My mother?!" Stef was shocked to hear those words.

"Ya she is in the kitchen." We walk into the kitchen with me clinging to Stef's arm. I see a  women at the stove with her back to us, and Brandon sitting at the table.

"MOMMY! MAMA!" He runs towards us trying his hardest to wrap his little arms around both of our legs at the same time. I bend down and pick him up, resting him on my lap. The fiery red headed women turned around with a skillet in her hand. She placed it on the table and looked at us both.

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