chapter; two

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Our work shift had finally come to an end and I was just about to leave when a warm but firm hand grabbed my shoulder, I didn't even turn around because I knew it was that jerk, he came close to my ear and whispered ''I think your forgetting something'' he said as I felt him smiling, his warm breathe spread tingles throughout my entire body. ''Um, last i checked i didn't forget anything, now get off me you dork'' I said rolling my eyes and walking away before he stood in my way, ''I'm treating you to a meal'' He said winking at me, eugh what a creep I thought to myself. After a while I just gave in and went, I mean whats the worst that could happen?...

We left the building walking into the car park when I was going to go to a shiny black mercedes-benz I turned around to see he wasn't there. He cleared his throat and stood in front of the most worn out ugly silver car branded with rusty scratches around it, ''...this is my car'' he said staring at his feet in embarrassment. ''This is...your car?'' I said out of shock, ''yeah...'' he replied whilst scratching the back of his neck, ''but ill soon be the richest man in the world'' he followed with a big smile shaking off his previous embarrassment and winked at me. ''Get in'' he said, slowly with hidden disgust I sat down avoiding the pizza boxes and fizzy drinks lying about everywhere.

''So umm, were are you taking me?'' I said hesitantly, ''don't worry, anywhere you go with me being there is exquisite'' he said with a smirk. We soon ended up parking at a food truck with only one or two people eating. I was hesitant to eat as I was used to the high life of 5 course meals but I soon plucked up the courage to try it. Surprisingly enough it was actually good. ''yum this is good'' I blurted out accidentally, ''I knew you'd like it'' he chuckled, ''its the best tteokbokki around, what do you expect!'' he replied with the biggest grin. We soon finished eating and got up to leave. ''so... why did you want to take me out to eat'' I asked out of suspicion. "Don't take it the wrong way, I just needed another girls heart to play with" he replied smiling deeply. "YA!!? Pabo, you have some nerve! How dare you degrade me like that you bastard!" I said hitting him on the chest whilst he just shutted up and smiled like a Cheshire cat.
He is so rude I am definitely not going to have feelings towards him NO, I mean he's only good looking but his attitude stinks!
We started walking towards the car, I kept forcing myself not to look at him but I don't think I did a good job, "Yah! Why do you keep staring at me?" He said glaring at me as if to say I-told-you-so. "No offence but I'd rather look at paint dry" I said slightly lying. 

Soon after he dropped me off outside my neighbourhood, it was a long way up but seeing a broken up car like that around my neighbourhood would look suspicious, excluding the fact that I could not be seen dead in a car like that! He offered to walk me home, ignoring him I walked on ahead with him following my trail. I walked to my apartment annoyed, I was about to leave when he held my hand and looked me in the eyes, "wow, you really are beautiful" he said smiling with his eyes looking into my eyes intensely.
Pfft he is just trying to make me like him like I'm gonna fall for that shit...

Ji wook POV
Today was my first day and already there was some sexy fresh meat, she looked like the easy ones so I obviously had to take the chance. She also isn't hard to look at, so why not. 

I kept thinking about her through out my journey home... maybe a bit too much and ended up sleeping and dreaming about her, she really is beautiful.
End on ji wooks POV

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