Chapter 12: The Ties that Bind

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"It's okay, we can come back," Bonnie said, making a run for it, but the twins held her arms, stopping her, they gave her the look and she sighs. "I'm sorry, but you look so familiar." the man tells her, rubbing his chin. "Um... Abby's my mom," she answers him.

His look went pale, "Oh." he mumbles, going quiet for a moment, making Samathea suspicious. "I'm Jamie. You guys want to come inside?" he asks them walking up to the door, "Right this way." he said, opening the door, stepping inside. The three look at each other and step inside as well, "Are you guys sure you don't want anything?" he asks them as he was in the kitchen and they sat at the table. "We got a fresh Ojay, coconut, water, Mango gwab or something?" Jamie asks them.

"Waters fine," Bonnie answers him, he nods and walks to the sink, closing the fridge. They look at each other and back at Jamie as he then walks back with three glasses of water, "So are we like related?" Bonnie asks him as he handed them the glasses, "Oh no, Abby not my mom." he informs her, "Oh, good." Elena mutters. "Yeah, she uh... dated my old man back in the day. He's kind of a deadbeat, so uh, when they broke up, she took me in. she put me through school and didn't freak out when I totaled her car. Twice." he informs them when a chuckle, Bonnie smiles at him. "She sounds... Great," she said to him.

Then the door opens, "Jamie, whose car's out front?" Abby asks as walks into the house and then notices Bonnie. "That's mine." The young witch states as Abby walks into the kitchen. The twins smiled at her as Bonnie stood up, "Hi... I'm Bonnie... your daughter." she states, making Abby gasp a little, "Hello Bonnie." she greets her and Bonnie smiles a little at her.


Bonnie looks at a graduation picture frame of Jamie, "Are you going to be alright?" Elena asks, snapping Bonnie out of her thoughts, "I'm fine." she answers her, placing the picture down, "I'm not here to get my mom back, I'm here to get her help." Bonnie informs them. "So I hope you guys are hungry," Abby asks them as she walks back into the dining room with a pan of food. "Cause uh, food has always been my go-to icebreaker," Abby informs them as she sets the pan down. "You have a lovely home," Elena informs her as she sat down. "You're so sweet. Just like your mom." Abby states, getting both the twins, "You knew our mom?" Samathea asks her as she stood next to Elena, "Miranda was my best friend." Abby informs her. Samathea looks at Elena and then back at her, "So you had a daughter and a best friend and you still left?" Bonnie questions her.

Abby just looks at her. "My best friend is why I left," she informs her. Then she sat down, "15 years ago, a vampire came to town. Looking for you, Samathea. Looking for the doppelganger, no one could manage to kill him so I lured him out of town and cast a spell to dedicate him in a crypt in Charlotte." she tells them, Samathea then exhales, "Micheal." Elena states, both knowing who she was talking about. "He was an Original vampire," Samathea tells her and Abby looked up at her. "It took every ouch of my powers I had. Almost killed me, I recovered. But my magic didn't." she tells them and Bonnie hung her head. "And... my powers never came back." she finishes, "And neither did you." Bonnie states as she looks up at her. "It wasn't that simple." she tries to tells her.

"It's wasn't that simple? You cast a spell, put Micheal down and... what? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?" Bonnie questions her. Then the twins look at her, "Bonnie." Elena starts, "This was a mistake. She has no magic, she can't help us." Bonnie states as she went to leave, "Bonnie, wait please!" Abby begs her as she got out of her chair, then grips her arm, stopping her. Elena stood up next to Samathea. "Don't go." Abby begs her daughter, "Talk to me, please." Abby asks her. "We'll wait outside," Elena tells her as she and Samathea walk out of the dining room and then the house.

The twin walks out to the barn as Samathea looks at her bracelet, "You know it was a good idea to have this on my wrist." she states, Elena looks at her. "Why's that?" she asks, unlocking her phone. "Because I can feel human again. no magic, just human," she answers. Elena smiles at her, but then they both stop smiling as they felt as if they were being watched. "Sam?" Elena asks her, "Yeah, I know." Samathea answers and they both turn back and jump as Stefan was standing right in front of them. "Hi Elena, Sammy. Nice lake house." Stefan states but of they just sighs at him.

Vampire Diaries 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora