A Hero's Diary

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{Hello author here coming back to this story after a year or more, I've been seeing people add this to folders titled "Country Humans", this isn't Country Humans and I don't want it to be in ANY relations to it. I'm sorry if this comes off as mean but the Country Human fandom has a really bad rep and I know that most of you are not toxic like the fandom, but some of my stuff that has been passed around in that fandom was stolen or made me look bad due to people changing it. So please, remove it from that folder. I don't care if you read it as Country Humans, go on ahead, but remember this ISNT Country Humans, this is Hetalia.} 

America woke up one morning not feeling to well but he had a meeting with the G8, China, and and Prussia. He went down stairs to see Canada on his couch.

"C-CANADA!!" America shouted as he grabbed a blanket to wrap around him.

"Oh hey, good morning." Canada said as he sat up a rubbed his eyes. America blushed as he grabbed more blankets to cover him. Canada looked at him, blushed, and covered his eyes.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!!" America shouted.

"W-WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR UNDERWEAR!" He replied as he threw more blankets at him. America ran upstairs to get dressed. When he came down stairs Canada had pillows tied to his head.

"Ok you can take them off Im dressed!" America said as he put the blankets in the basket next to the TV. Canada took the pillows off and put them in the basket.

"I wanted to surprise you with pancakes, I didn't expect er that.." Canada said as he pointed to the plate of pancakes on the table.

"Oh, Canada you know I love your pancakes but you also should know that I like to sleep in underwear, remember last time." America said as Canada shuddered.

"Yes and we said never to speak of it again." He replied as they sat down to eat.


After eating there food Canada got up to wash the dishes and America went up stairs.

"America we need to go!" Canada said walking upstairs. He thought he heard him in the bathroom so he went over to tell him to hurry. When he walked over he saw America vomiting in the toilet.

"Ah America are you ok?!" Canada asked rushing over to him as he rubbed his back. After a bit America stopped and looked at him.

"Ugg Im fine! let go!" America said as cleaned his face.

"No your staying home you're not going anywhere, let me get you a bucket." Canada said as he left the bathroom and took America to his bed. When he left, America reached under his bed to get his diary and started writing.

"Ok im back." Canada said but when he walked in America was sleeping. Canada set the trashcan next to him. He saw the closed book on his stomach and picked it up. He read the cover it said A HERO'S DIARY.

"Heh, oh America..." Canada said as he put it in his bag to show the other countries this is payback for embarrassing him in front of Prussia, his crush. He kissed his brother on the head and left.


Hi I hoped you liked the first chapter! I will try to update a new chapter every week or I might finish it today idk it depends how tired I get.

See you next time my Potato's!

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