6|The Fake Queen And A Maid

Start from the beginning

Taylor didn't have the time to contemplate long on the woman's choice of emotion, for just after the archway some feet away from her, an array of candle lights revealed the figure of Anghel. His blue eyes piercing sharp in the dim yellow light pinned her in it's intensity. He was staring straight at her, his expression dark and unreadable. She quickly lowered her gaze and head, her heart pumping in her throat threatened to make her sick. She had never been more afraid in her life. Would he kill her without a second thought when he found out she wasn't Samantha?!
"How long do you plan to stand there?" He sounded exactly as she remembered; mesmerizing.
Taylor hesitated a second then walked towards him, her head not raising a fraction. She felt like a time bomb, as she got closer. Olivia curtsied behind her but Taylor wasn't in the right frame of mind to replicate. She felt light headed and hungry. As if on Cue with her thoughts, her stomach gave a very loud and embarrassing grumble. She felt her face heat up.

"Has she not eaten anything today?" Anghel asked after a moment of awkward silence.
"Not yet my lord. If you show me the kitchen, I'll have something ready for My lady as soon as possible"

"The first turning to your left if you follow that passage. Make it quick"

"Yes my lord" Olivia replied smartly and with another curtsey, disappeared down the direction given.

"As Emese treated you well?"
Taylor surprised at the question looked up without thought, their eyes collided for a brief second before her head went down again, mortified at her mistake.

"Y..yes she did" she answered timidly a little bit above a whisper. She berated herself for her lack of confidence. She was doing an awfully bad job at portraying her twin.

"Look at me while you speak. I don't....won't bite you" He admonished softly.

Here it was. The moment of truth. Which she was not at all ready for. Oh God, she didn't plan this well at all! She cleared her throat and said as Samanthatically as she could;
"I am really tired. Please can I rest for a bit?" Dang. She shouldn't have added "please".

In the recurring silence, Taylor felt Anghel's probing gaze from the tip of her braided hair to the sole of her cotton clad toes. She now could hear the time bomb tick faster.

"Come with me. I'll show you to our chambers"
Her relief choked when she heard 'our chambers'. Not wanting to risk another confrontation, she followed him quietly.
The house was a large one. It's major lightning were candle chandeliers. Its furniture looked beautifully Gothic. She wasn't in the right frame to admire her surroundings though. They took a wine carpeted stairways that led to a passage of closed doors. They stopped at one.
"I'll get your maidservant to administer to your needs. I'll be back in a few hours to begin our izolare properly."

Taylor was happy enough to curtsey which she immediately regretted when she did an embarrassing bad job at such a simple, elegant gesture. If Anghel noticed, he didn't show it. He simply bowed and turned away.

Taylor watched his retreating back wistfully, a sneaky wish to be really Samantha weaved into her thoughts. She immediately quelled it and opened the door with a sigh.

Their chambers was well enough. It was decked with all basic necessities. It wasn't extra or magnificent like the blue and gold room. It was exactly her taste. The wall was a muted shade of green. The floor was carpeted in the same shade as the wall. The bed was a king sized one, invitingly laid in wine satin and gold trimming. A wooden closet sat not far away, while the bed side table spotted an elegant candlestick lighted in all its glory. Simple, efficient and homely.
Taylor gave into her childish urge to jump on the cotton bed, relishing the time she had solely to herself.
She celebrated too soon.
A knock.
Taylor scrambled from the bed, straightened the bed as good as she could and patted herself to order.
"Come in" she called as lady like as she could manage.

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