Chapter Three: Up, Up, and... a Wait.

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"Good evening passengers and welcome to flight 934 to Toronto. At this moment we are in the Vancouver International Airport and it is a warm 15 degrees Celseus. Well warm for Canada at least. Am I right folks? All joking aside though, we will be arriving at Toronto, Ontario in about five hours. Please fasten your seat belts if you haven't already done so as we will be leaving in fifteen minutes. Thank you!"

In a total of sisxteen hours I will be in a car and driving with Head Master Sanders to the Okos Campus. I am overjoyed with the idea that my dream of going to the best school in the world is a bout to come true!'

"Good evening once again passengers! We are sorry to inform you that we are going to have a bit of a delay because of a very important passenger is missing, In order to make up to you for this delay we promise to make the on air menu free for you all and you will all get 25% back on your tickets. Thank you and we appologize for the inconvinience!"

Oh no! What am I going to do? If I'm late Head Master may think that I decided not to show and she may leave without me. Oh what to, what to do?

I know. I'll email her!

Dear Head Master Sanders,

I have just been informed that my flight will be delayed, and I do not yet know how long the delay will be but I am sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and for my lateness. I inform you that it was not planned.

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Johnstone

After typing that I clicked send on my smart phone and then shut it off.

"Hello passengers! We are happy to inform you that the missing passenger is found and that we will be taking off in ten minutes so please turn off all electronics and buckle up. And once again we are sorry for the inconvenience of the delay!" The intercom said.

"Excuse me. I believe that my seat is the one next to yours. Would you mind if I got to it?" A deep voice said. I looked up and a tall male was standing before me. He was tall as previously stated, had light brown hair and lovely sky blue eyes. He also had an impatient look on his face. I wonder why - oh yes his seat. I mumbled an apology to him and let him pass by to his seat.

He pulled out a book from his bag and buckled his seat belt. He then looked at me, his mouth moved. That's odd. Why did his mouth move. Oh my god. He just said something. And I missed it.

"Sorry. What did you say?" I squeeked.

"I said my name is Noah and I would appreciate if you would stop staring at me." He told me.

"Staring? I wasn't staring. I was just wondering if you were the - pardon my language - arsehole who delayed the flight and my future." I spat at him.

"I am indeed the person who held up the flight but I am not, as you say, an arsehole. I was doing something very important that held me up and if you'd care to know. My future was put on hold for an hour too so if you would kindly stop looking at and talking to me then I am sure we'd both have a great flight. Okay? Great. In glad we came to an understanding". He snapped back to me.

I was about to say something to him, but the intercom cut in before I could even say a word.

"Hello once again passengers. I am glad to inform you that we are going to be taken off. Once again it is a warm plus 15 degrees Celsius outside at this lovely 6:14 pm. We are terribly sorry for the hour delay and we hope to get you to Toronto as fast and as safe as possible. We will be flying at a height of 30 000 ft about air and we would appreciate if you would now turn off all electronic devices and buckle your seat belts for we are now clear for take off. And thank you for flying with us!"

I looked over at my seat mate, to find that he was passed out. He also had the window seat, so I had no view. Great. This was going to be a long flight.


Hi. Sorry this isn't that great. But I hadn't updated in a long time and I felt like I needed to. Also sorry for any errors and for the length and basically everything. I was typing this on my iPod so it's not the greatest.

This Chapter I dedicated to one of my best friends storytimegirl5, for being one of the first peole to read and vote for this story. Also or being the first person to comment on this story. Thanks!

Vote. Comment. Fan. And be a friend.

Love you all!! - B

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