❧ ⦅05⦆ Kuroi Hanabira

Start from the beginning

"I don't want anything." he answered.

"Hm, well. Just come to me if ever any of you decide to get a drink." he said. "I best be off now, let's have another chat later if possible. I have to serve the others." Koshi gestured towards the three male ghouls who has been impatiently waiting to order-but they didn't bother to complain since Ayato and I were near.

I nodded and watched him leave to serve them drinks. Then I felt a hand on my right shoulder, grabbing my attention. I peered behind me and saw Ayato gesturing with his head towards the flock of stairs.

He walked past me and headed upstairs while I followed him silently. I then heard the crowd below us talking to each other again once we left, which made me sneer internally.

The both of us strolled down the hallway and stopped by room 103, the only black door in this floor. He turned the knob and pushed the door open with a low creak.

I entered before him but shortly stopped once I spotted a woman with locks of mint green hair sitting on a chair with a cup of brewed coffee in front of her. Her pair of emerald orbs stared deep into my gaze which made me a tad uncomfortable.

The corners of her rosy lips curled into a smile, letting out a small giggle. "It's such a pleasure to be finally meeting you, Miho."

"-or shall I say, Black Tail?"

I narrowed my eyebrows. "Who are you?" I questioned in a deadpanned tone.

"Have you perhaps heard of the One-Eyed Owl?" she tilted her head to the side as a wide grin etched onto her lips.

Instantaneously, I looked at her in utter shock with wide eyes and lips ajar. 'She's the One-Eyed Owl?' I thought. 'So that means she's the founding leader of Aogiri.'

'Is this all about me and Aogiri then?'

"You're the One-Eyed Owl?" I questioned and she nodded in response, letting out a small laugh. "I am, but please, call me Eto instead."

"So, I assume you at least have a clue as to why you're here." Eto said as she held her chin with the palm of her hand. I nodded in response, taking a seat in front of her and beside Ayato. "It's about me and Aogiri, isn't it?"

The corners of her lips curled into a smile, tilting her head to the side. "That's right."

"Have you made your decision yet?"

I shook my head. "No, not yet." I answered and folded my arms across my chest.

Eto hummed. "What's holding you back?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line, a crease etching onto my forehead as I averted my gaze towards the tar black wall. "Things." I simply answered, shrugging nonchalantly.

"What things?" I heaved out a sigh.

I looked back to Eto, having a deadpanned expression written on my face. "Things that are none of your business, therefore I will not tell you." I retort, narrowing my brows.

Eto smiled and stood up from her seat. "I should tell you though, joining Aogiri would be a huge step forward for you. Knowing what you're capable of, you'd be such a great fit for us. Don't you see the opportunity?"

She then suddenly appeared from behind and leaned into my ear with a lopsided grin etched on to her lips. "Don't you want to seek revenge to those who hurt you-the ones who took away the people you love dearly?" I knitted my eyebrows, staring at the mahogany table in front of me.

I thought of my parents and felt an abrupt and ferocious tug on the fragile strings of my heart. I harshly bit my bottom lip, tears pricking the corner of my eyes. I curled my hands into a fist and craned my neck down, my locks of auburn hair cascading down in front of my face which blocked my vision.

Utter hatred boiled within me as I recalled the tragic night my parents died a horrible death-while I merely stood and watched them get killed by numerous special class investigators from CCG. I felt pathetic and helpless, I didn't do anything to help them.

I stood up, slamming my hands onto the table. They both looked at me in surprise with their eyebrows raised. I fluttered my eyes close for a brief second, letting out a shaky breath.

"Sorry, but I'll be outside for a moment." I stated and left the room silently.

I walked down the flock of stairs, raising a hand and rubbed my mouth. I heaved out another sigh, running a hand through my locks of hair in utter exasperation. 'God, I feel so fucking embarrassed. Why did I do that in front of them?'

I then heard Koshi calling my name which distracted me from my thoughts. "Leaving already?" he questioned with an eyebrow raised. I shook my head. "No, I'm just going outside for fresh air." I answered.

"Ah, I see..."

I stepped out of the bar and was greeted by the cold wind outside. My hair flowed with the breeze, floating in front of my eyes and covered my vision. I felt the wind caress my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

I inhaled deeply, letting the oxygen fill my lungs. I then exhaled and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. I walked down the sidewalk in adequate silence, slipping my hands into the front pockets of my jeans.

I passed by a wooden bench and decided to sit down, but then realized that it was still wet from the heavy rain. With a long sigh, I continued on walking.

Minutes passed by like a breeze. I stopped my tracks and leaned my back against the concrete pole, craning my neck down and stared down at my boots-like it was as if the most entertaining thing in the world.

'I wonder how they're doing?' I thought to myself. I then averted my gaze towards the night sky, folding my arms across my chest and hugged my body closer. 'I should've helped but instead I stood and watched.'

I bit my bottom lip and placed the palm of my hand over my mouth as I felt the tears pricking the corner of my eyes again. But I held them back-I didn't want to cry.

I feel so pathetic-I couldn't even save my own parents. I let out a blunt whimper and felt a tear slip out of my eye which I quickly wiped away with the sleeve of my leather coat. I shook my hear and covered my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, my tone solemn with a crestfallen look written all over my face. "I couldn't save you."

While I was distracted by the thoughts that bombarded my mind, I was oblivious to the fact that someone was trying to get my attention, calling my name. I then heard a loud snap in my right ear, bringing me back to reality as I softly gasped.

"H-Huh?" I turned to the side and saw an utterly familiar face standing in front of me with a wide smile etched on to their lips.

"Yo, Miho."

❧ End of ⦅05⦆ Kuroi Hanabira

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now