"It a ship, a rather well advanced ship. What we are seeing isn't an ion storm it's more of an advanced type of protective shield there's a ship in there somewhere," he stated excitedly.

"A ship? How do you know?" a look of non-belief on her face.

"I once did a study on the old Mioan empire it was around for a long time.  They were so old many of their systems had broken down and no one really knew how to fix them.  By the time our race reached the stars they were long gone almost all remnants of them gone. Last year I found an old ship in a grave yard no one knew what it was.

It had the strangest configuration, the power source was different, it's what I based the power system here on." He stated proudly, "Hell with the help of my AI I was able to decipher the Mioan language (Well most of it there were still a few thousand words he was STILL trying to translate after a year and a half). I  found out a lot about them this looks like a system that they were using toward the end of their empire"

Julie just stared at him as he began to bring up systems she had never seen in here before and a strange almost singing language came out of the speakers. "They are asking who we are, it sounds like an automated system, all comps and AI's." Then he started to move faster.

"Shit! This thing is fast! Cici, take over confirm we are citizens and see if they need assistance."

"Compliance," his AI said as it took over the conversation with the ship. "They do wish assistance they have sustained damage and wish to pull in for repair. They will limit access of their ship to you and I only." Cici said as it kept translating

"Alright accept and bring them into bay four, unless they request something different." he stated

"Compliance," it quipped back at him.

As quickly as it had begun the storm was gone. Suddenly a massive ship was there at the docking port almost as fast. "Cici, you are going to have to keep me abreast of everything and don't stop translating or deciphering, we may need every word that we can get." He shook as he started to walk to bay four. "Julie go back to your ship, don't let anyone off, this ship is more advanced than I thought. It could destroy this station in a moment, I don't want you or anyone else killed understood?" Julie looked scared at Charles as she nodded her head.  She then started walking to her ship she had never seen Charles this serious before.

Charles walked into bay four as he awaited info from his AI. "Sir I have conformation of this ship it is the royal ship of the last line of Mioatia. It was reported missing over twenty five hundred years ago. All the markings match those of the reported ship. It was rumored to have been carrying the last princess, the Empress, the Royal Councillor and the Prince. After they disappeared the Empire declined and after ten years was gone."

"Damn I thought we had just found an old freighter not an old royal ship," surprised as he moved closer.

"Not yet sir, they haven't given a secure path yet, they are still trying to confirm. I have given them all the information I could.  It has updated but it is taking longer than anticipated there is much damage to the on board AI."

So Charles waited, looking over the ship there was extensive damage to the hull, the engines (he thought they were engines he wasn't sure) many of the exterior systems. "They are ready for you sir a path is clear," there was a bright flash and he was suddenly inside the ship.

"What the hell was that?"  Charles shouted.

From his wrist his com chimed out in the voice of Cici. "That was the preferred way of the Royals to get on and off their ships. I have it listed as a long distance matter through matter transfer system. The ship systems are heavily damaged and you need to repair one, in fact. So that  the AI can regain control of all systems besides the weapons internal and external."

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