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I tried to control my blush as the interviewer, Mr Lee, laughs teasingly in front of me. How in the world did I let myself get talked into this?

Soomin claps her hands excitedly. "Aren't you excited about the interview at least? At least this will help clear some air with the public and your fans."

"I am excited but I was wondering why all of a sudden..." I trail off.

My stylist had the decency to look sheepish. "Err, well.. they might want to talk quite a bit about your love life too."

I sigh in defeat. "As expected."

"So how did you end up falling for Dino-ssi?" Mr Lee was practically rubbing his hands together and salivating while waiting for my answer. He was looking like quite the Disney villain.

How is it that I can get kidnapped and rescued by one of the most popular boy groups in South Korea but the media is more interested in our love story? Didn't they see how it all began though?

"Well... He was always very sweet and considerate towards me in We Got Married, and I started to find myself thinking about him when we were apart and wondering what he was doing... I guess it started from there," I said slowly.

"How did your company react? Did you have to fight anyone to be able to announce your relationship?"

I bit my lip. "Um, my manager and stylist were quite supportive. The CEO had some concerns at first and advised me to keep it a secret because he was afraid that if the fans didn't accept our relationship, it might affect my health since I was still recovering but after all that I'd been through, I think he didn't have the heart to tell me to stay away from Channie- I mean, Dino-ssi."

"And Dispatch did get photos of your boyfriend sneaking in to see you so keeping it a secret was kind of impossible, right?" Mr Lee laughs jovially.

I try to force the blush now, but from the heat I felt, I could tell my face, neck and ears were red.

"Ommo, are you shy at just hearing the word 'boyfriend'? How cute!"


"How was the interview?"

"It was so embarrassing! They kept asking about you and our relationship!" I whine, hiding behind my hands.

Dino laughs at me. "I think they were just trying to focus on our new relationship status rather than your traumatic experience because that's easier to talk about and more exciting for the audience too."

I pause. "I... didn't think about that."

He reaches over and intertwines our fingers together. "Let's not think about it now. So, salted or caramel popcorn?"

"Hmm, I like a mix of both."

"Oh! Me too!" Dino exclaims. "The hyungs are divided when it comes to salted or caramel but I always think having both is nice, so you don't get bored of the flavour."

"Same here," I smile. "And... you sure about watching this particular movie? We don't have to watch a romantic comedy if you don't want to..."

Dino grins reassuringly. "Nah, I'm pretty excited to see this one. Our manager watched it the other day with his girlfriend and he really recommended it so I think it's going to be really nice."

"Okay then," I say happily.

We finally bought our popcorn, selected the couple seats at the very back and settled in the theatre. Once we got comfortable huddled in our jackets, I muster up the courage and slyly reach over to link my arm around his and snuggle close.


Ignoring his soft gasp of surprise, I stare fixatedly at the screen.

"Jagiya," Dino's voice breathes softly in my ear. "Are you trying to be assertive?"

"You always make the first move so..." I mumble.

He chuckles quietly.

We watch the movie, cuddled up to each other and I never felt happier at my decision to link arms with him. However...

"Oppa, kiss me. Kiss me and say we'll always be together," the female protagonist cries out passionately.

I stiffen as the handsome male lead grabs his partner and yanked her close to kiss her full on the mouth. The camera angles did nothing to hide how much tongue was involved in the kiss.

Dino clears his throat and I feel him pull away from me slightly to stuff some popcorn into his mouth. I swallow hard and took some deep breaths to distract myself from the heavy sounds surrounding the cinema.

As the male lead throws the girl onto the bed and joins her, I quickly avert my gaze and unintentionally my eyes met Dino's, who also seemed to be flustering by himself.

"Ugh, I'm sure my manager must have set me up here! He knew this would make everything awkward," he hisses under his breath.

I giggle nervously but can't seem to come up with anything to say. Jumping slightly in surprise, I feel Dino's hand creep back into mine and we both tried to enjoy the rest of the movie while determinedly ignoring the heat in our faces.

"Whew, the movie was nice, wasn't it?" Dino sighs in relief as we made our way to the restaurant.

"Yeah, the ending was really nice," I murmur, my attention focused on our joined swinging hands.

"Table for two please," Dino says and the waitress leads us to en empty table beside one that was occupied by a mother and her little toddler son.

"Ommo, he's so cute," I whispered.

Dino glances over. "Un, his cheeks are so chubby."

At that point, the child suddenly turns in his seat and stares at me. "Pretty!" He exclaims.

I blush as Dino laughs. "He has eyes alright! Isn't that right, kid? She's so pretty, isn't she?"

The boy nods eagerly. "Pretty!"

His mother smiles at us apologetically. "Jongmin ah, don't disturb them and finish your food."

"Me no likey it..."

Dino and I exchanged grins at the boy's cuteness.

As we walked home, I feel Dino tugging me closer. "Jagiya, do you like kids?"

My footsteps faltered at his sudden question. "... Yeah, I do. They're really cute."

Dino turns to face me with a cheeky grin. "I think a little girl would be nice."

I blink slowly. "Err, what?"

"A little girl... with your eyes," he says teasingly. I feel my face flush red.

"But if we have a girl, I definitely wouldn't let her out of the house for the first 30 years at least!" He puffs.

"Eh, why?"

A frown crossed his expression. "Because she'll be so beautiful so I need to keep her safe! But then again... even if we have a boy, he will for sure be beautiful too! Oh no, what do we do? Let's build high walls around our future house!"

"You're so silly!" I laugh joyfully but I couldn't help but imagine our future together.

Suddenly, he takes both my hands in his and looks at me with a serious face.

"Hyun Jung ah, I can only see you as my wife in the future. I'm making a promise to you right now... that we'll definitely get married one day. For real, this time," Dino says softly.

My heart beats faster and louder as I nod bashfully.

"I love you," I whisper.

He pulls me close and leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you too. From the moment we met, I had a feeling I would never love anyone else more than you."

To be continued

A/N: Whew, that was super mushy. I nearly cringed whilst writing myself. Hope you liked this one and if you do, don't forget to click the little star :)

Married to Dino | Lee ChanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα