She heard Spock's calm voice question, "Did the indigenous life forms see the captain and Dr. McCoy?"

Kate rolled her eyes as she said, "I don't know Spock."

To which he quickly replied, "The prime directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations."

Kate didn't get a chance to reply as Sulu exclaimed, "We've got to do this now, Spock.  This shuttle's not built for this kind of heat!"

Kate felt the pit forming in her stomach again as nerves returned.  She nodded, though they couldn't see her, and said, "Sulu's right.  You can worry about the prime directive later.  Right now, activate your device," then closed that line so she could tune back in to Jim and Leonard to check on them.

Just as she opened it, her heart nearly stopped.  She heard Leonard exclaim, "They're trying to kill us!  They're trying to kill us, Jim," and had to close the line again.

As she looked around the bridge, Kate took a deep breath to steady herself.  Everyone on the bridge was following her lead.  Right now, she was the captain.  So she had to act like it and not lose her cool because too many of the people she cared about were putting their lives in danger to save this planet.

She opened the line to Sulu, Nyota, and Spock again.  They were the priority right now, even though her heart wanted to follow how Jim and Leonard were doing.  If Spock didn't succeed, the planet and all of it's natives would die.  That was the activity she should be following.  As she opened the line, she asked, "How's it going?"

Nyota's voice answered back, and she sounded hurt as she said, "We lost Spock.  He's down in the volcano.  I'm about to suit up so I can go down to get him."

Kate was about to argue against it, but Sulu beat her to it saying, "We have to abandon the shuttle.  Captain, the engine's down because of all the smoke and debris."

Kate squeezed her eyes shut and said quickly, "Sulu, Uhura, get yourselves out of there."

Nyota argued, "We can't just leave him behind," and Kate's heart broke for Nyota.  Nyota and Spock were in a good place in their relationship, and now she was being told to leave Spock behind in a volcano, likely to his death.

Kate shook her head and replied, "You have to.  All three of you will die trying to get Spock out of there.  I need you both back to the Enterprise.  Nyota, we'll find a way to get him back."

She could hear the resignation in Nyota's voice as she said, "Of course, captain."

Being called captain again reminded her of the strangeness of this situation, but she gathered her thoughts quickly and said, "We'll see you in a few moments.  Kirk out," then switched lines to talk to Jim and Leonard again.  She bypassed greeting them and said, "Sulu and Uhura had to abandon the shuttle.  You two have to find a way back to the Enterprise without them."

Jim's voice sarcastically replied, "Wonderful.  Thanks for the good news, Kate."

Since there was nothing further she could do to communicate with Sulu and Nyota, she kept the line open to Jim and Leonard, praying that they would find a way back safely.

They were both breathing heavily as Leonard's voice rang out in almost a panic, "Jim, the beach is that way!"  Clearly, Leonard wasn't pleased with the turn of events.  He probably regretted ever agreeing to the mission.

Jim replied, "I know, we're not going to the beach."

Kate had no idea where they were heading, but knew that it couldn't be good as Leonard began saying, "No, no, no!  I hate this!"

Aviophobia (Leonard McCoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें