4-Please Mitchel

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He talks a bit about what they're doing in the studio and it sounds pretty cool, I'd love to be a singer but sadly my voice sucks. He invites me to come join them in the studio once and I agree on the promise Cat can join because I honestly think she'd disown me if I didn't bring her.

We carry on making small talk for a while until our food arrives, Mitchel takes his phone out and photographs his food whereas I get straight into mine, not wasting time I could be spending eating.

I'm not the type to go on casual dates with guys so this was pretty weird but I felt quite comfortable with Mitchel, unlike when he's drunk, he wasn't being pushy at all and was just occasionally flirting. We both soon finish our food and order a dessert to share because neither of us could eat a whole one to ourselves. We got a chocolate lava cake and it was so rich I'm glad we decided to split it. By the time we were done we were both so full we had to sit back and I regretted wearing tight jeans.

I then get a text from Cat or rather a whole string of them, asking why I'm out with Mitchel and I'm amazed at how she finds these things out. I reply back to her asking how she knew and she sends me a pic of Mitchel's Instagram story where you can see me across from him and my mouth hangs open as I look down.

"You took a picture of me?" I ask him.

He looks up and tries not to laugh at my shock.

"I actually took a picture of my food, you just happen to be in it" He smirks.

"Very funny" I mock.

I look back down at my phone and Cat is sending screenshots of her Twitter and groupchats where everyone is freaking out over 'Mitchel's mystery girl' referring to me. Some people are being mean and some are just plain scary, I did not realise what I was gonna get into. We're just friends and I'm already getting death threats. I lock my phone and try not to think about my face being plastered all over Twitter.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyebrows squinting together.

"Yeah I'm fine, just full" I laugh trying to shake it off.

He agrees with me as he asks the waiter for the bill. He brings it back promptly and I bring my purse out checking to see how much it was to split but Mitchel quickly pulls the receipt away so I can't see it.

"Cmon let me see how much, I can pay" I whine.

"No sorry, no can do" He sings getting out his own wallet.

"Please Mitchel" I beg.

"I asked you out so I pay for the date" He says simply.

The waiter comes back and Mitchel puts it on his card.

"So this is a date huh?" I tease.

"If you want it to be" He replies.

"I'll get back to you on that" I smirk myself.

He feigns offence as he finishes up with the waiter before turning back to me with an evil glint in his eye.

"Well I had more to our day than this but if it's not a date then I'm not gonna do the rest" He shrugs.

"It's not a date" I say.

"Well then you're not getting the rest" He shrugs again.

We continue the conversation as we leave the restaurant, we're just casually strolling round the grove now, I pick up on a few people looking in our direction and I'm paranoid they know Mitchel and they're gonna try and come up. I'm too awkward for that.

"Maybe I don't want the rest" I say nonchalantly.

"Oh trust me you'd want it" He replies.

"Fine, what is it then?" I ask.

"Well I can't just tell you can I? I need to show you" He explains "All you have to say is a few words"

"It's not a date" I repeat.

I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince more of this, me or Mitchel. We've only known each other a few days, we're strangers never mind friends. We hardly know each other.

"Playing hard to get huh?" He says.

He seems a bit let down and I don't want him to feel like that, I just need to be careful with myself.

"Look I just mean we've only known each other a few days, we need to be friends before anything else" I explain.

He nods his head and keeps quiet for a minute as if trying to figure out what to say.

"That sounds do-able" He replies "Not the only thing that's do-able either"

"Mitchel" I whine.

He can be so dirty minded but in all honesty, I don't completely hate it. His lips form up to his signature smirk he always wears.

"Besides, it won't be long til you're moaning my name just like that" He whispers in my ear.

Goddamnnnn. I see a few people are actually reading this which is great, I wasn't sure if it would get anything cos Chase Atlantic are still pretty low key lmao. Please vote and comment, it really helps 💕

SWIM // MITCHEL CAVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora