CHAPTER 2- The great fate

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After school, Richard went to meet the janitor, on his way, he met mike, one of his friends.

"Hey boss", mike said, " heard ya got janitor's work ".

Richard shrugged, " don't call me boss, I'm done ", he replied.

" hey, hey hey boss, you are joking right", he asked, "its a dumb joke, right?"

"No Mike, I'm serious, I'm through, o can't do this anymore, tell the guys I quit, I prefer you all do too", Richard told mike.

" No way boss, you sound like those losers, you aren't serious are you?", Mike asked.

Angrily, Richard held Mike by the collar and yelled, " do I look like I'm joking! ", then he reduced his voice as Everyone had began to look at them, " don't call me boss again ", he said quietly and walked off putting his hoodie over his head.

Mike just looked on and then he shouted at the other students looking and gossiping, " What are you looking at dorks?", then he smiled at Richard as he left, "you'll regret this".

Richard walked by and bumped with janitor, on the way.

" oh sir, I'm sorry " Richard said.

" Five minutes late", the janitor said looking at his clock.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't be late again", Richard asked.

"Okay kid, last warning", he said and handed over a bucket and a mop to him, " start with the classes in this block, the students should be out of school soon, then you'll clean the hallway, get it ".

" Yes Sir", he replied and he chuckled, then he took the bucket and mop, and walked off to a classroom.

The janitor sighed, "well let's get back to work", he said and exited.

BRAVE industries

Mr Adler came inside Tony's office, " hello Tony, how is your work going on?"

Tony stood up, " Going wonderful Mr Alfred, I want to thank you for making me C.E.O, and your investment in this project, I know you were in a great loss, after my late friend Martin made you lose all that money but I promise you, this will be better, it's still under regeneration..."

Mr Adler cut him short, "you talk a lot, I prefer you don't mention his name, today was the day he died remember, and its temporary C.E.O, at least that's what Martin would have wanted till his son is old enough, now let's hear your progress with the project".

" Yes sir", he replied as he snugged and handed some files to him with the letters L.A.V.A boldly written on it, as he opened it, Tony continued, "Project L.A.V.A is one of the greatest ideas we've ever had, though we didn't have any alien tech, we had molecular remnants which we inserted into a little amount of hot lava, since then, it had shown increase in its cell's multiplication, we are learning to control it, soon we shall start with our test subjects, animals and objects of course sir"

"Excellent Tony, keep it up, don't let me down then he exited the office.

Tony looked at him with angry eyes then he spoke, " stupid man, thinks he can play me around, well we'll just wait and see about that".

That afternoon, at the cemetery, some of the members of the industry were just leaving Martin and Akin's Brave's grave, leaving only Richard and his mom.

"I'll be by the car Richard", his mum said as she left".

" Mum", Richard called as he turned his head towards her when she turned back, "I'll make it home", his mum nodded in reply, then she left.

SOUND-WAVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora