Chapter 7: Tumbling

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Naruto was lead to the restroom in silence, not a word to be spoken. There isn't much one could say for something like this. Repeated questioning and interrogations don't change a person's decision without reason. Naruto will remain silent for as long as his will shall allow. That's something even he knew he still had; a strong will.

Iruka was of course still disturbed, so many questions were running through his head still, none would be answered. Naruto, on the other hand, had become more cognizant of what was going on around him. He too felt a flurry of emotions running through him. The panic was lessened, but there was more to it now.

During his fit of fear and panic, it was as if he blacked out. His mind was only now beginning to clear out of its storm. He remembered it was Iruka who had been with him.

I have to get away from him. Naruto couldn't afford anyone to know what was wrong. Everything he wished to accomplish in the future would be ruined. All of his dreams crushed. Granted he also knew that the likelihood of him being able to achieve any of those now would be very slim to none.

He didn't know why everything seemed so crushing one moment and then it didn't. The weight of what happened barely a few hours ago was so fresh, yet it wasn't surprisingly so. Naruto was sad, he'd been expecting something to come in way of his dreams, that's how life worked for him. A chain of crushed dreams leading up to now; the never-ending shattered paths of his hopes and dreams.

His mind wandered away from those sad facts, as there was always some kind of hope within. He had to get away, that's all that mattered. His hope? Find a way home, and find a way to hide the blatantly obvious. 

What can I do, come on think!

Iruka slowed and came to a stop in front of what Naruto believed was the restroom.

"Alright, Naruto. Let's get you cleaned up." The door creaked open as Iruka pushed it, Naruto being lightly pulled alongside it. 

What do I do, what do I do? 

Iruka was going in with him. That couldn't happen.

"Sensei," Naruto whispered. From this, Iruka believed he was progressing. For him, this one word was good.

"Yes, Naruto? What is it? You can tell me," he was pushing.

"I want to go in alone. Please." The chance of this working was very slim, Naruto knew simply asking to go in alone was a clue to what he could initially be trying to do. He just hoped his instructor would oversee this.

He didn't.

"Naruto, I can't. You're in no condition to be alone from the looks of it."

He had to plead, he had to go alone, so he could find a way out. "Please, just for a minute," Naruto began, his voice incredibly raspy and strained.

Iruka sighed. This was the most he could get out of his student other than cries and chilling words. He could only give in, maybe at this moment he could send for some help.

With yet another sigh released from his lips he quietly gave in, "Fine, only for a minute or two. I'm coming in no matter what after that time."

Naruto gave a small, slow nod, before feeling his way into the bathroom. He made sure the door closed behind him. 

His mobility began returning to him, and he started stumbling around, feeling for a window. Then he felt it. The cold glass up against his warmer fingertips, the latch only inches from it. He kept feeling, grabbing and groping for the knob, till he grabbed it. 

The latch would make noise and alert Iruka of his plan. He had to be smart, contrary to common acts. 

He'd have to wiggle it slightly and keep working at it to get it open, then he'd need to try and open it to where the hinges made little to no noise. The doubt of being able to do this in merely "a minute or two" settled in his already queasy gut. 

Tears would have been developing in his eyes under the stress and anxiety if it weren't for the gaping masses that were now in place of his eyes. Blood settled in there instead, leaking down his face yet again. 

He began working at the creaky window latch, knowing Iruka was standing right outside that door, just waiting for his time to enter to come. Naruto knew that it was coming closer and closer. Work faster, work faster.

It finally gave way, right as the door to the bathroom started to slowly creak open. "Naruto?" Iruka was coming in. Naruto's eyes would have widened in panic, instead masked by the creaking of the slow opening door, he pushed the window open and squeezed through. 

The air hit him and he forgot that he wasn't exactly on the ground level. He slid down tiles and gripped what he could to slow himself. He had to traction at this angle, especially with no knowledge of where he was falling.

Finally, there was no more roof to fall from, he fell back first onto the ground. The wind was knocked from his lungs and his head pounded as he impacted the floor. Get up, gotta go.

With the strength he had, he forced himself up and stumbled towards whatever he could find. There was a tree. The tree. The tree he always swung on when no one would give him the time of day. He'd decided that he'd much rather be going through that in the present moment. No time to think, go.

His thoughts seized and he felt his way towards a fence. He had to hide, Iruka would have noticed he was gone, not to mention blood trails were most likely a dead give away to wherever he went. 

Iruka began calling his name out of the window. Naruto heard running throughout the building, meaning words had gone that he'd escaped and that he would be on the run. Everyone would find out at this rate. He had to go.

He'd always been able to outrun the guards and teachers of the village, after years of tricks and pranks. That would be the only thing to save him at this point. 

With that, he ran. He had to get home, even if they found him there, at least there he could regain this head and get a quick cover-up going. He'd hide this if it was the last thing he did. He needed to keep this a secret, or else everything would become even further out of reach for him, and he'd begin tumbling down into the depths of insanity.

AN: This is the only author's note I'll ever put on this book because I personally think it feels unprofessional. Anyway, it's been over a year since I've worked on this story even after I promised readers I'd have it out soon after I posted the last. I've been working on and off and truthfully I have no clue where to go with this story as I never actually had a plan to begin with. So if anyone has any ideas on where this should go, give me a dm because I'd really love to get ideas and consideration from you guys. Even if I've probably lost a lot of viewers because of the time gap I've put between chapters. Well because I'm on a 4-week break with nothing to do because of Corona Virus, I'll have plenty of time. Thank you guys.

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