The Thunder Strikes Again

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Chapter Thirty Three
~Violet's POV~

Waking up in the mornings is hard. Waking up in the morning knowing that I have to suffer through another grueling day of school is even worse. Luckily it's Friday, so that isn't so bad. But it's still not good. It still sucks. I still hate it. I get up and get ready, not really caring - like at all - how I look. I mean who do I have to impress? I already have a boyfriend. I trudge downstairs and enter the kitchen to find it empty. What the...? Teegan is always down here making food or whatever. I turn around and go back upstairs. I knock on Teegan's door, no reply. So I open the door to see Teegan, lying there, still asleep. I didn't even know that it is humanly possible to wake up before Tee? A smirk grows on my face as I think of all the ways that I could wake her up, but before I can move, a loud strike of thunder is heard. A strike so loud, so powerful, it shakes my entire body.

~Jaxton's POV~

I walk into Tee and Vi's house as per usual, but the usual sounds don't welcome me. Instead of Tee banging around on pots and pans, I hear silence. Complete and utter silence. I take a look around, but find no one. A thunder strike is heard as I walk upstairs. I hear a faint scream leave Vi's lips so I quicken my pace to see her drop down on her knees, trembling. I glance over at Tee who seemed to have been asleep, but now is crying. Bloody hell.

I try sending a text to Zander as quickly as possible, before rushing over to Vi and holding her shaking self. Zander apparently got the message when he comes barging in. His eyes lay on Tee and then he's by her side, comforting her.

~Violet's POV~

I open my eyes to see that I am in my bed. What happened? I know that I woke up already. Teegan was still asleep so I was going to wake her up. Thunder.

I rub my face as I remember the thunder that causes a shiver to run up my spine. Jax walks into my room and I attempt to smile at him. He walks over to me and rubs his hand over my forehead, before just looking down at me.

"So what actually happened?" I dare to ask him. He sucks in a sharp breath, but slowly lets it out. I scoot over in the bed and he sits beside me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. Exactly where I like to be.

"I don't really know, Vi. I walked in and everything felt odd. I was greeted by silence. Teegan is always down there banging around. So I went looking for any of you. As I was walking up the stairs, I heard the thunder." Just hearing him say that word causes my body to shake temporarily. He just holds me tighter. "Right after the thunder, I heard a faint scream so I ran to you just in time to see you fall to your knees. Not too long after that you had just collapsed completely. So I picked you up and carried you in here. I called the school to tell them none of us would be making it in today. Teegan had a bad reaction as well and is currently resting. Zander is taking care of her."

I nod, but there is one question dangling in my mind. "How long ago did it strike?"

"About two hours ago." He hesitantly speaks. I let out a deep breath, but nod.

So Jax and I just lay here, me cuddled up next to him. Him holding me. Neither of us talking, because what's there to say? We just lie in perfect silence. That is, until Teegan barges into my room. She looks at us and rolls her eyes.

"Can I help you?" I ask, confused as to why she's barging into my room.

"We need to go write." She declares. I look at her and nod. I roll out of bed with a thud and slip on some shoes. Luckily I had already gotten dressed before that whole mess. We head outside and to Snow. Teegan drives us to the Kingdom of Magic.

We get out and enter through the side door. Tee orders us drinks as I get our stuff out. The drinks arrive and as per usual, Henrik has questions for us. We answer them as quickly and simply as possible and after a few minutes too long, we are alone again.

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