Both women sat to eat once the had eaten. They both laughed and talked like nothing in the world mattered but this very moment between them, each breath each word, each woman fell harder in love with the other. It really was true love.

Once they had finished up, Regina offered to clean up, using her magic of course. But Emma stopped her telling her about ice cream and that she wanted to take her to Granny's.

Regina just smiled and thought to herself it was easier than expected to get her to go to grannies.

Both women were becoming nervous at this moment of their own thoughts. Mainly of fear of what the answer each would say.

"Well come on then Swan let's go get some dessert, and then we can come home for extra dessert", as Regina winks at Emma. They both headed out of the house and into Emma's car.

It was silent on the way, other than the music playing in the background.

Regina just had through her head what if something goes wrong? What if she says no. That would embarrass us both. What if someone takes her from me like they did Danial? What if she decides to say yes but then ends up changing her mind? Just what if.

Meanwhile Emma, what if she laughs and says no? What if I'm not as good enough for her as her ex-boyfriend Daniel? What if she does not really really want to get married. What if we get there and someone stops us, just what if?.

As both worries were flying through each mind. They both laughed at the same time looking at each other, "What?" They both said at the same time, "nothing" again they both said this at the same time, they smiled at each other and Regina's smile listens, "I love you my dear Sheriff Swan", as the smile got larger again. "And I Love you Too my Queen Mayor", as she placed one hand on Regina's lap.

Once they both got to Granny's the took a deep breath not noticing they both were.

Emma and Regina grabbed each other's hand and walked into grannies.

Each entered Granny 's not questioning the fact their family was there.

Regina walked over to Snow smiling at her Beloved, while Emma headed to speak with Henry, Snow handed Regina her ring for Emma and Henry give Emma, hers for Regina.

Henry was standing there a big smile on his face happy that his Moms are about to propose to each other not knowing each is going to he was happy that he knew what was coming. Snow stood smiling to Charming with a single tear down his face Snow walked over to him, and they held each other's arms.

Regina and Emma walked up to each other, while Snow, Charming Zelena Henry, Granny stood watching in anticipation.

Regina Spoke just as Emma did. "Em", "Gi", they both looked at each other and laughed. "You first", they both said again at the same time, Emma started to tear up, Regina was slightly now confused. "What's up babe?", Regina asked. "Nothing babe just happy right now".

They both spoke again at the same time it was getting irritating as both women wanted to just pop the question.

Both just smiled at each other, Emma and Regina both went into their back pocket and revealed a small box, each laughed and looked at each other while looking around the room.

They both then caught on that they both wanted to ask the question.

"At the same time?", asked Emma. Regina just nodded.

"Regina", "Emma", "Will you do me the honour and marry me?", both women asked.

They stopped to let each speak knowing the answer obviously both wanted to.

"Yes, Swan". "Hell yes Gina", as the room started to fill with laughter, they both hugged each other than revealing the rings, they were so taken back, Both with the engraving Of SwanQueen and Both having purple, Emma's the Swan, Regina's Purple Heart.

It was such a magical moment, but each looked to Snow, "This was You're doing?", again both finishing each other's sentences.

Snow just laughed and nodded. Regina and Emma looked at each other laughing and then they both places a long kiss on each other's Lips having to pull back for air after a few minutes then going in for another while pulling back for air again laughing at themselves. They then left granny's after half an hour with the family to go home for their second dessert.

Emma and Regina were sat on their couch in tears at their memory looking at each other, smiling. Regina stood up, holding on to Emma's hand, "Well how about that dessert? Wanna relive that moment at the moment?", as Regina winks to her Swan.

"Well as long as I get to be I charge this time around", another wink went along. Regina leaned in to kiss her Swan instead intensely saying into her ear "You wish".

As both smiling laughing at each other. They both headed to their bedroom.

(Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it, I thought it is sweet to explain the engagement, So enjoy and the picture as well took some time to do with a little help from my friend we came up with it and I love it if you look closely to it and you will see the engraving we added to match the fic.)

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