Le Fight! Part Uno-

Start from the beginning

The blade barely scrapes my ear. I let out a shriek of a snarl and lash out with my own sword, swinging furiously, and Kakashi lets out a small shout. He runs forward but is met with a water clone.

“Don’t move.”

The words send a jolt of icy cold fear trickling down the length of my spin. I freeze, eyes wide, and swallow thickly. Zabuza moves his sword-blade gingerly pressing against the hallow of my throat-and I take a small step back-back hitting his rock hard chest. A jolt shudders through Kakashi. He freezes as well, glaring bloody murder towards Zabuza, and Sakura cries out.

“If you enter this fight, I’ll kill her.” Zabuza growls at Kakashi.

My eyes narrow.

“Your boy has no chance against this jutsu. He’s finished.” Zabuza continues.

“Now, we’ll begin.” Haku says calmly, “And I’ll show you the true meaning of speed.”

He leans forward in the mirrors, revealing a long sharp needle. I seethe in Zabuza’s grasp, teeth grinding. “Sasuke! Get out of there now, you stubborn duck!” I scream, ignoring the ridged edge that digs into the skin of my throat.

But it’s too late. Needles fly, scraping Sasuke’s skin-tearing through the boy’s flesh and clothing-and cries of pain fill the air.

“Sasuke!” Kakashi growls, crouching forward.

“I’m going to kill you.” I hiss to Zabuza. “I’m going to make your death slow and painful, very painful. Would you like to hear my plan?”

He doesn’t answer, and it doesn’t matter. I tell him anyways.

“I’m going to stake you to the ground using four kunai knives, one in each of your elbows and your knees. Then I’m going to slowly start to tear your nails off and shove them down your throat. Maybe you’ll choke on them. Then I’m going to slowly peel bits and pieces of your skin off. Don’t worry; I know how to keep someone awake-so you won’t pass out from the pain. You can’t pass out for this next part.” I laugh demonically, eyes hard. “After your skin, I’ll cut off your dick and shove it so far up your ass that it comes out your nostrils.”

I feel him stiffen. Mention anything about harming the male part to a male and you’ve got him cornered.

“You can shut up now.” Zabuza snarls, blade inching closer.

“I’ll pass.” I sneer. “You know, maybe once I finish with you I’ll do the same to Haku. Maybe even worse. I’ve been dying to try out some new torture techniques.”

“SHUT UP!” Zabuza roars, tearing the skin of my neck open. A thick line of searing pain rises up, hastily clawing through the rest of my neck with its burning poison laced claws. I ram my elbow into his gut, ignoring the festering skin of my neck, and twirl around-roundhouse kicking him in the head.

“Touchy, touchy!” I bar my teeth at him, lips stretched into a twisted smile. “You’re pretty protective of Haku-kun, huh?”

“ALEX!” Kakashi surges forward, the metal plates on the backs of his hands blocking Zabuza’s blows. I flash him a small grin but other than that ignore his presence for the time being. I think I seriously pissed Zabuza off.

“SASUKE!” Sakura runs forward, kunai knife flashing in her hand, and leaps into the air. “TAKE THIS!” She chucks the knife at the dome, aiming for Sasuke.

It spears through the air at blinding speeds. I cry out. “Sakura, no!”

Fingers curl around the hilt of the knife.

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