Chapter Eight

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A/N: I'm gonna be completely honest with you all, I have only seen the first, second and fourth Harry Potter movies, and I've never read the books. Before you start typing or leaving, hear me out! I was homeschooled and in a VERY religious homeschool group who thought that Harry Potter was bad so my mom wouldn't let us read/watch it because she didn't want to deal with the other parents. She doesn't have anything against it and we're actually trying to get all the movies and books now.

Scott kept looking over at the door expecting to see Mitch come back but he never did. He started to wonder if something happened. He bit his lip and glanced at Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie who had joined them a few minutes ago.

"Where do you think he is?" Scott asked, looking at Kevin since Kirstie and Avi were talking. Kevin just shrugged.

"Maybe you should go check on him." Kevin suggested, a look of concern on his face. He might not interact with Mitch but he didn't like seeing him get hurt either. Scott knew that Kevin didn't hate Mitch but he hadn't quite figured out how Avi and Kirstie really feel about Mitch.

"I'm gonna go find him," Scott told Kevin who nodded. Scott left the dance and walked down the quiet hallway. When he got to the restroom at the end of the hall, he went in.

"Mitch?" He called, getting a weird look from the guy at one of the urinals. He saw that all of the stall doors were open and nobody else was in here. He turned and left the restroom, feeling more concerned. He shouldn't have let Mitch go by himself. He promised he would protect him tonight and he failed. He went to the elevator and repeatedly pressed the call button as if that would make it go faster. He hoped that Mitch was in his room if not then he didn't know where to search. Once the doors opened he got in and pressed Mitch's floor number then the close doors button. The ride to Mitch's floor felt longer than usual. As soon as the doors opened he practically ran down to Mitch's room. He knocked several times but got no answer.

"Mitch?" He called, knocking again. When he still didn't get a response he tried the handle to find the door unlocked. He pushed it open and sighed in relief when he saw the other teen laying in bed. Mitch's eyes were closed and he was breathing lightly through his mouth. Scott walked in and shut the door. He looked over Mitch's small body. He was only wearing an oversized shirt and was laying on top of his covers. Scott leaned down and gently shook Mitch's shoulder.

"Mitch," he said quietly, shaking him again. The brunette blinked his eyes open and jumped when he saw Scott standing over him. Scott chuckled a little. "I didn't mean to scare you." Scott sat down on the edge of the bed in front of Mitch. The brunette realized that he was only wearing a t-shirt and pulled the hem of it down farther to try to cover himself more, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Why did you leave the dance?" Scott asked as Mitch tried to sit up without his shirt moving up too far. He felt really exposed right now.

"I-I don't know," Mitch mumbled, looking down. He couldn't tell Scott the truth. He didn't want to make Scott mad. Mitch sat with his legs bent underneath him to cover up his exposed skin.

"Did something happen?" Scott asked, not buying what Mitch said. The other teen shook his head, not looking up at Scott. "You don't have to tell, Mitch. I am sorry though." Mitch glanced up before looking back at his hands in his lap.

"For what?" He questioned.

"I asked you to go when you didn't want to. I should have protected you and I didn't. I shouldn't have let you leave by yourself." Mitch blushed again, not looking up.

"It wasn't your fault, Scott." Mitch told him.

"Can I stay here with you?" Mitch blushed again but nodded his head. Scott kicked off his shoes and took off the robe he was wearing and climbed on the bed beside Mitch who seemed nervous.

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