Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Hello, Stefanie." I have not really heard someone say Stefanie except me. She walks to us and hugs Stef. "And you must be Lena." I smile and she hugs me too.

"Lena, this my mother."

"Hi. Miss.Foster." I say trying to make a good first impression.

"Please. Call me Sharon."

"Mom, Why didn't you call me?" Stef asked walking over to the coffee pot, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Oh well I wanted to surprise you." She lied. I called her. I found her number in Stef's phone. I called her and she 'decided' to come down. Shhhh...

"Oh. Well thank you for breakfast."

"You're welcome. I just figured why do you have to do everything just because I am the guest."

"How did you know I was here?" I was shaky because I didn't know what she was going to say. I didn't want Stef to know I called her.

"I called Mike. I figured if you weren't at home anymore, then he must know where you are."

"Oh okay." I was in relief she didn't rat me out. She really is a women of her word. I had told my mom and dad. They already know, but they can't come. They are stuck in Paris.

"So, Lena what do you do for a living?"

"I am the Vice-Principal at Brandon's school."

"Oohh." Stef sat down, taking Brandon from me seating him on his chair beside her. She took a piece of bacon out of the bowl and ate it.

After breakfast, Stef went upstairs to change. Mike had left, because he didn't know and really, it was none of his business. Stef left t for work and  everybody else was in the living room planning with me. (Brandon, Jenna, Kelly, Sharon, and I). Stef wouldn't even know what hit her because she is so oblivious. That is one of the things I love about her.

Stef's P.O.V

After work, I drive home just wanting to see my girlfriend and my son, with it being a long day. I get home walking in seeing no ne around. I walk further into the house so I can close the door. I turn around dropping my bag beside the door. On the door, there was a note. I grab it and read it aloud.

"My, Love. I know you want to eat and go to bed but, you have something waiting for you at the end of these note chains. Take your first steps to the kitchen. xx Lena"

I walk into the kitchen seeing another note. I pick it up, reading it aloud.

"This time, it is a riddle.
I get hot but never sweat
I cook things but I'm not a chef
I have a door but you don't go through me
I can sometimes clean myself but I'm not a person
I can be gas or electric but I'm not car... What am I?"

What?! I start look around the kitchen that may resemble what she had said in the note. THE STOVE! I run over to the stove and open it. There was a bun on a tray, in the oven. What? I was so confused. What is she trying to tell me. She is probably laughing her ass off at how oblivious I am right about now.

There was another note to attached to the bun.

"Congratulations. You found the bun in the oven. Have you figured it out yet? If not go to the living room."

I walk to the living room, finding pink and blue balloons scattered everywhere. There is a note pinned to the wall with a thumb tack.

"Pop the balloons to find the surprise."

I took the note down and started popping the balloons with the thumb tack. The fourth balloon I popped had a long box in it. I picked it up and it had the words,

"Don't open." Written across it. But on the back of the box, there was another note.

"The drink that we both enjoy when we are relaxing is waiting in a glass on the table in the dinning room for you."

I go to the dinning smiling. There is a glass red wine sitting on the table with a note attached to the stem of the glass.

"Take your last steps to your surprise, to the backyard."

I grab the glass, walking to the back door. I walk out to find, my Mom, Brandon, Lena, Jenna, Kelly, all smiling at me sitting around a large table. They all look at the box in my hand and back up to my face. I walk over and kiss Lena on the cheek before sitting between Lena and Brandon.

"What was all this for, Love?"  I asked. I am very confused. I don't know what all these clues meant.

"That is for you to find out." She smirks and lifts a lid off of the plate in front of me, to present baby carrots, baby corn and baby back ribs.

"Lena honey, is it sad I still don't understand what you are trying to tell me?" I asked feeling bad for being so lost and not understanding.

"Yes it is. Bu-." She stops talking when she sees my head drop. She brushes her hand down my arm. "But that's okay. You can open your present now." I lifted my head opening the box. My jaw dropped. I look in the box then at Lena. She seemed to be very happy and excited. I started freaking out. I was pointing to the pregnancy test inside the box that said positive. I look up at Lena and she nods softly. My eyes widen. The next thing I know she is wrapped in my embrace, both of us crying.

I feel little arms wrapping around my stomach. Everybody else joined in. It was a huge group hug. My women was pregnant. She was pregnant with our child. I was happy. The tears that were now pouring out of my eyes were happy tears. They were so happy. My shoulder was soaked with Lena's tears.

At the end of the night

My mom had left. Jenna and Kelly went to bed. We just finished a movie with Brandon. He was asleep at the other end of the couch. Lena was cuddled up next to me, her head on my chest. I had one arm around her and the other on her stomach. I couldn't get over the fact that she was pregnant. She was going to have our baby.

Then it hit me what it all meant. The bun in the oven. The pink and blue balloons.  It was all making sense now. I squeezed her a little trying not to crush her and we both fell into a deep sleep.

Sorry about the long chapter but it was totally worth it.

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