I'm Trapped in Kamisama Kiss

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"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" I fangirled as I saw Tomoe kiss Nanami on the last episode. "Wait a minute! They can't let it end right after that! They NEED to make more episodes." I cried in a hole after the episode finished. Immediately after my crying session, I called the person who told me to watch it -she is also my best friend- Winter. "Hey Winter I just finished Kamisama Kiss and I love it! It's so-"


Oh no was that thunder?! I hate thunder... wait wait wait a minute, is it close?!

"Call you back." I hung up.


I almost began to cry -again- when suddenly—No, no, no... a blackout?!? Why did my mom leave me by myself?! Oh, if your wondering why it was just my mom and I. Well, my dad died when I was little. Yeah I know, really sad but he was a bit of a drunkaholic. He came home drunk most of the time. Even though I loved him 'cause he IS my father, he hit me when I was six years old and then he would go into a happy mood and act like a child who saw a puppy afterwards, weird right? WAIT I'M OFF TOPIC!

Boom! Another lightning bolt struck near my house.

"THAT'S IT!! I'm going to Winter's house!" I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with the essentials; $100 because I don't want my money to get stolen, house keys, and my phone with its charger 'cause without it, I'm dead. Once I stuffed everything in the bag, I opened the door and ran for my life to Winter's house in the pouring rain.

As I bolted over to her house -pun intended- a thunderbolt almost hit me. "WHAT THE HECK MOTHER NATURE!" I ran as fast as I could and next thing you know, I blacked out on my friends porch.


"Hey, hey wake up!" Someone yelled. Wait a minute, this person sounds so familiar.

"What's going on? Who are you? Where am I?" I mumbled trying to get up.

"Well I almost tripped on you because you were laying on the ground for some odd reason." The person said. It sounded as though it was a girl.

So she, the still unidentified person, helped me up. When my vision finally cleared up, I realized that I wasn't on Winter's porch. I was laying on the grass in the park. And the person who helped me was JESUS! Just kidding but she's just as amazing, it was Nanami Momozono!!!

"Hey, how do you know my name? I didn't tell you!" She questioned.

"Oh... I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yes, yes you did." I tried to get up out of my excitement but then fell back down due to my lack of strength.

"Wait a minute, what part of the show did I come in?"

"Um, excuse me?" she replied confusingly.

"Okay what just happened, did you just yell about your no good, gambling father?"

"Yeah. And then I came here after I talked to a man who gave me directions to a home. Wait a minute, how'd you know that?"

Oh crap! Why did I just say that?! I sound like a creep or even some kind of stalker! How do I get out of this?! Should I just run off and throw myself in a bush? Wait never mind certain bushes actually hurt. I remember doing that once and I had to go to the hospital because my hand —WAIT DANG IT I'M OFF TOPICwait! I've got it!

"Well you see, I fainted because I've been walking for a long time and I haven't slept in a while. So as I was finally regaining my conscious, I heard you yell but My body was sore and I couldn't move that well. So a few minutes passed and you helped me up and here we are." I smiled.

"Oh... okay then," she replied slowly. Wow! I can't believe that she bought it! Well kinda but still!

"Hey, I'm going to see if that strange man I met, was telling the truth about this house. Do you want to come? Because it seems to me that you probably have no where to go."

"Sure!" I exclaimed springing up to my feet with the power of fangirling.

"I'm Nanami Momozono, but it seems to me that you already know that!" She said somewhat sarcastically.

"I'm Emily North, but call me Emi." I put out my hand for her to shake and she gladly took it.

"Okay Emi then let's go."

"Yay!" And after that we left. I wonder what will happen now that I'm here... Oh well, I guess I'll see in the future! I can't wait!

Word Count: 791


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