11. Goodbyes

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      The Seer walked back to 8, whose laughter was finally dying down. He saw her worried look and started walking away from Grace II. 

      "Are you alright?" he asked the Time Lady.

     She nodded, "Yes, but the other you is not." she told 8.

       "What's wrong? You removed the deathworm morphus from the Master, then?"

       "Yes, and that's the problem."

        'The deathworm? Has it escaped again?" he was panicked now. 

      "No!" the Time Lady assured him, "No, it's locked away in the chest." 

      "What, then?" 8 was pathetically clueless.

      "The Master's death has hit him hard again." 8's face fell adn the Seer put a hand on his shoulder. 

       The sound of a door opening caught both of the Gallifreyan's attention. 11 was coming out of the TARDIS, putting away his sonic screwdriver in the process. 8 found that metal stick to be weird, having had the same type for the last few centuries. It was different, what with it's technical exterior and the little green light at its tip. The eighth Doctor walked up to his future self, who then turned him away. 

      "You can't bottle this up. It's not good for you." 8 told his tuture self. 

      "What does it matter to you? You aren't affected by my decisions, I'm only affected by yours." 11 snapped. 

      "He's right, Doctor." the Seer argued, "It's not good to bottle it up. It will only drive you mad."

     "Oh, I'm not the one that will be driven mad... just you see." the 11th Doctor muttered. The Seer and 8 were both confused by what he meant by that. 8 just dismissed it, knowing that he'd find out about it some time in the future. 

     There was a short pause before the bow-tie Doctor changed the topic, "Well, I'm taking Amy back to her own time... I guess." 11 walked off in the direction of Grace's house, where Amy would most likely be.

      The Seer and 8 were left alone now.

      "An interesting companion that you picked up." the Seer stated conversationally.

     "Grace?" 8 exclaimed, "no. We haven't... we just met." He stumbled his way through the thought, "Perhaps later, but not yet." The Seer nodded understandingly. The two started to walk into the park and eventually found themselves on Dr Grace Halloway's street, where the grinding of a TARDIS could be heard.

      "It should be safe to enter now." the Seer said to the Doctor, quite unecessarily. The Doctor, however, simply nodded. He held open the door for the Time Lady and then followed her inside. The two Graces were deep in conversation about some medical procedure.

      "... a straight cut along the chest before you--" Grace II was saying before she caught sight of the two other people in the room, "Oh, hello, Doctor!" she greeted him suddenly, "Hello... Seer." It was evident that Grace was uncomfortable saying the Time Lady's name. Almost like... well... it was hard for the Seer to draw a parallel, having grown up on Gallifrey, the place where nobody knew you by your real name... just by your alias.

      What, with names like Rassilon, Omega, Borusa, or even Romanadvoratrelundar, Seer wasn't very abnormal--as far as aliases went, anyways.

      "It's time to say your goodbyes, Grace." the Seer said.

      Grace I nodded to her future self, "Well, it's been fun and crazy.... Umm. I guess I'll see you later?" a second's pause then the correction, "Be you later..... That's a weird thought."

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