3. Crossing Timelines

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Grace ran away from the TARDIS and towards her house. The Doctor saw the light on in the house and was quick to realize his mistake.

     "Grace." he said uncertainly. When she didn't hear him, the Doctor raised his voice, "Grace!"

     Grace looked back, "Thanks for the ride, Doctor!" she grinned. The Doctor raced up the stairs, trying to stop her from going in.

     "Grace, stop! Don't go in there!" Amy stood by like a worried puppy, not understanding why the Doctor was so insistant. It was her house, after all. Then the door opened. Another Grace stood in the doorway. Not just another Grace--a younger Grace.

      Amy stood by, open-mouthed. The Doctor shook his head, "I told you..." he muttered.

    "Grace?" a man with a Liverpool accent called from inside the house. Slowly the younger Grace moved aside to let a man with curley, reddish-brown hair come through the door. He wore a white wing-collared shirt, a silver cravat, a silver vest over top and finally a dark green velvet jacket over top. His pants were a dark brown that weren't really anything special. The chain of what looked like a pocket watch glinted slightly in the porch light from underneath his jacket.  

     "Oh no.... no...." the Doctor cried, backing away as his fingers wiggled nervously.

The man in the green coat looked confused for a moment, then asked, "Do I know you from somewhere?" 

     "No, erm, I can't say." he said nervously. Amy looked over at him with confusion. The two Graces, in the mean time were examining one another trying not to let the other know that she was doing it. 

       "Doctor, what is going on?" Amy whispered. 

       "Wrong time, right place." the man in the bow tie whispered. 

      "I think an explanation is in order over a cup of tea, perhaps?" the red haired man said. 

      "Doctor, I'm not sure that I have tea." the young Grace spoke up. The man in the green coat--the Doctor--gave her a shrug. 

      "Yes I do--I mean you--I mean I, er, we..." the older Grace stuttered. She took a deep breath then said finally, "There's tea in the house." 

     The younger Grace looked at her, surprised, "How do you know that?" 

      "Long, crazy story." Bow tie Doctor said. 

      "I have time and I don't know that tonight could get any crazier." young Grace said. 

      "Just you wait." future-Grace muttered. 


     The younger Grace brought tea into the kitchen.

     "So you're a future version of me?" the green-coated Doctor asked.

      "Yes," Bow-tie Doctor answered.

      "So, what does that make her, then? A future version of me?" 1999 Grace asked, pointing at the grey-haired version of herself. Bow-tie Doctor nodded.

      "Okay, so you won't let me go along with you, yet you let Miss Ginger come with you?" Future Grace demanded.

     "You refused my offer!" Bow tie Doctor exclaimed. The cravat-Doctor raised an eyebrow in curiosity and tweed-jacket just shook his head. 

     "How does this 'future version stuff work, then?" after a second's pause, he answered himself, excitedly, "Oh! Yes, yes!"

     "What? What is it?" past-Grace asked while the grey-haired version of Grace leaned forward.

      "Time Lord! I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey!" he said like an excited child who had just recieved a present. The excited man turned to the future version of himself and asked, "What version of me are you?" 

     After a moment's pause, the bow-tie Doctor answered, "Eleventh." 

     "Brilliant! So then that makes me the..." his forehead creased as he tried to remember.

      "Eighth." 11 reminded him. 

      "Yes, of course." the creases disappeared from his forehead and he smiled a bit more. 

     "Doctor," Amy said quietly. 2 Time Lord heads swivelled in the direction of the quiet red-head. 

      "Yes?" they both said. 

      "Bow tie." the Scottish girl clarified. 8 dipped his head in acceptance, but disappointment lurked in his eyes, if only slightly, "Why are we sitting around here? Shouldn't we be, I don't know, maybe not messing with your timeline and dropping Grace off in the right time?" 

      "Of course, erm--" he broke off suddenly as he clutched his head in pain. 8 quickly followed 11's unfortunate lead. 

      "What's happening?!" the girl's exclaimed. Even the 21st century Grace was confused, and she had been through this before. 

      "The Master..." 11 spat out through gritted teeth.

    "He's in the TARDIS and he can see through my eyes." 8 added.

    "Both our eyes. How disorientating." 11 finished, still having room for humor through the pain. 

    The Doctor's looked up, both their eyes tightly closed. 

    The past Grace was confused, "The TARDIS?" 

     The future Grace and Amy explained at the same time, "Time machine that travels through space." 

     "That's not possible!" the past Grace exclaimed. 

    "And this is? Get your head on straight, girly! This isn't any more believable than that!" Amy said. 


     "Just accept it. It explains me, doesn't it?" Grace tried. The younger Grace shook her head slowly, still trying to accept all this crazy stuff that was happening in her house. Amy then turned back to the two Doctors who were listening to the conversation with their eyes still closed. 

     "This is crazy.... I'm crazy." past Grace stood abruptly, knocking over her folding chair--which she had to get out of storage to accomadate the excess of people that had to sit in her kitchen now that the sofa had been taken. Brian, that stupid little..... She walked down the stairs and picked up the phone from where it stood on a side-table. She then quickly changed her mind and slammed it angrily on the table. Shaking her head, the past Grace walked out the front door, desperate to get some fresh air. 

     "Grace, stop!" Amy pleaded. The future Grace frowned. It was so weird, having another Grace--not just another Grace, a past her!--in the same house. In her house! 

     "Let her go, this might help us." 11 groaned, the pain starting to subside. 

A.N. I've got Come With Me completely written now. Just need to post it. :D

Picture on side is Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor... and a fun meme that I just found while searching for a pic of him. This describes my 8th Doctor obsession.

Written: 2014-04-14

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