09 | for the love of lectures

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"WHAT HAPPENED IN HERE?!" A screech rang throughout the dirty, flour-filled house. Five people froze, their heartbeats picking up as they gulped and tried to sneak away, slowly tiptoeing away from the 'crime scene'.

The two hybrids looked at each other before nodding a smirk crawling up their faces as a glint of mischief sparkled in their eye. Quickly spending to the sofa, Renesmee got on Selena lap and pretended to cry while the elder hybrid comforted the girl.

"Emily! Dylan! Jacob!" Bella yelled as she saw her baby girl and Selena on the sofa, the youngest hybrid letting out fake sobs as Selena cooed in her ear, rocking her back and forth as they hid their grins.

"What did you do?!" Rosalie ran over to them and cuddled them in their arms; the two hybrids flashed the others a discreet smirk. The three other children were gobsmacked, their jaws dropped and eyes wide.

'Traitors' They mouthed, glaring at the two hybrids. Alice and Tanya gave them an hour-long scolding all while Selena and Renesmee got ice cream from Esme, wanting them to be happy even though they were laughing inside.

"Now, I hope you understand and won't do it again." The three nodded quickly, heads down. Alice smiled and slipped off to her mate while Tanya went to her sister, who had an arm wrapped around her mate's waist.

"We hate you." Emily, Dylan and Jacob mumbled as they sat down next to the two hybrids, who ate Cookies and Cream ice cream. They laughed silently, Renesmee slightly choking on her ice cream. Worried, Dylan and Jacob quickly sped to her, and the vampire patted her back which helped.

"Thanks." Renesmee smiled and took a spoonful of ice cream and offered it to Dylan, who grinned and ate it all while Jacob watched with a loving smile, watching his two mates interact filled him with love and joy. Selena and Emily quietly left the room, leaving the three mates to have their privacy since everyone else was in the other place.

"Come on; let's go upstairs." Selena sped go the kitchen, placing her empty bowl in the sink before going up to Emily's room, the girl lying on her back on the bed. The younger brunette copied her action, and they both went on their phones, scrolling through Instagram.

"I love her makeup," Selena said, and her sister looked over to see a girl with wild red hair and hypnotising green eyes doing her eye makeup.

"Yeah but her eye colour is obviously fake." Emily rolled her eyes, going back to her phone screen. "She chose an unnatural colour." Selena laughed at her sister, shaking her head at her sister's words.

"Only you, Em."

"What? I'm just saying the truth!"

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