07 | for the love of shopping

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"SO WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO FIRST?" Emily Palmer asked as she parked the sleek black car into a parking spot. Selena shrugged, getting out of the car. The girls had big grins on their faces, happiness dancing in their eyes as they could finally relax and take a day off.

"Let's go to forever twenty-one first!" They linked arms and practically skipped to their favourite store. They immediately split and went there on ways, deciding to meet up at the changing rooms once they took everything that looked cute, to try it on.

Selena ran her hand along the belt rack, listening to them jingle at the buckles. She watched them move back and forth, independent of each other but bound to the same shiny rod of chrome. She browsed through some sections before Selena walked over to the shirt section, hands feeling the fabrics of the shorts as she scanned the area for something that would catch her eye.

"Selena." The said girl span on her heels, eyes locking with a pair of blood coloured eyes.

"Demetri." The brunette took a step back, gulping. Her heartbeat began to speed up, and she tried to look around for her sister.

"Selena." He whispered, hand reaching towards her cheek. The said girl flinched, and a flash of hurt went through the vampire's eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you." He cooed, bringing the girl into his arms. Selena leant into him immediately, sparks travelling up her body.

"D-Demetri." He shushed her, arms tightening around her.

"I've missed you." He whispered into her hair, the brunette shorter than him. He and the others hadn't seen their mate in a long time and they wanted her back, being without her was painful.

"Let go, Demetri." She said, quietly, pushing him away. The vampire obliged and let the hybrid go, only for her to stumble into another pair of arms.

"Kitten." The gigantic vampire purred, his big arms wrapped around Selena's small frame. The brunette tensed, her heartbeat speeding up.

"F-Felix." The said vampire grinned, their eyes locking. Felix's arms tightened around the brunette, bringing her closer to him. Her small frame was swallowed up by his big one.

"Hey, get away from my sister!" Emily Palmer saw red, body filled with anger and hatred. She ran over to her sister, yanking her out of the enormous vampire's embrace and into hers.

"Selena. Go to the changing rooms." Emily hissed out, glaring at the two Volturi guards. Selena hesitantly left, eyes looking back at her sister and her mates before she sighed and went, not wanting to get her sister pissed off.

Demetri went to take a step forward, to follow after her but the brunette stepped in front of him, blocking his path.

"Move out the way." He snarled, his contact coloured eyes glaring at the hybrid in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere near her." The two older vampires growled, glaring at the brunette with anger.

"And why not? She's our mate!" Felix exclaimed, fists clenched at his sides. The only thing stopping the two from attacking the hybrid was the fact that she was the sister of their shared mate.

"I know that, and I honestly don't care." Her British accent seeped through her words. "Because there's no way I'm going to let her even near the killers of our mother!" She snapped at them, eyes flashing red as the scene of their mother's death replayed in front of her eyes.

"Is everything alright here?" A kind voice asked. The three vampires looked towards one of the people that worked in the clothing shop. Emily smiled, shaking her head.

"Everything's fine. They were just leaving." The brunette glared at the Volturi guards once more before turning on her heel and walking back to the changing rooms where her sister was trying on the outfits she had gotten.

"Have they gone?" Selena asked her big sister as she entered the changing room, both siblings sharing a sizeable changing room since the others were full.

"Yeah. You won't have to worry about them." Emily gave her a reassuring smile, and though Selena was supposed to be fine, she felt a weird sensation in her stomach. However, the brunette put on a fake smile and thanked her sister. "Now let's try on some outfits!"

The two sisters spent the whole day at the mall, their car full of shopping bags ranging from Forever Twenty One to PINK to Sephora. The girls had a fantastic time, and this was all they needed after the encounter with the two vampires.

"We're home!" Emily yelled as they entered the house, arms full of bags. Using her vampire speed, Emily quickly ran to the car and brought the rest of the bags, placing them on the kitchen floor.

"Wow." Dylan's eyes widened as he gazed at the shopping bags that filled the floor. Selena smiled sheepishly as Emily flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Can you take the bags upstairs? Thanks." Emily flashed their brother a smile before walking to the living room, where the Cullen's and the Denali's sat.

"Back already?" Kate asked as she saw her nieces enter the room they all sat in. Selena nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Lena," Emily called, gaining her sister's attention. "Can you help Dylan with the bags?" The brunette smiled and nodded, going to help her older brother.

"What happened?" Rosalie immediately asked, knowing that Emily loved to make her brother do work but never happened.

"The two Volturi guards were at the mall." The adults in the room froze wide eyes.

"W-what?" The brunette nodded and explained to the vampires what happened. Kate and Tanya let out a growl of rage but was quickly silenced went Selena came downstairs, her giggles running throughout the house.

The brunette entered the room with her brother following, his hair messed up and a few of his buttons undone. Dylan pointed at Emily, glaring at her almost playfully as the girl rose her brow.

"You have too many clothes!"

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