29- Passed out, Cold.

Start from the beginning

Natalie just nods, and Sam suddenly wonders how she knew that was going to ease some of the tension building up inside of him. It's like they have known each other for ages, when in reality they've only known each other for a small amount of time--not long enough for Natalie to know these things. As Sam peers down at her, he blinks. Either she's really good with people, or she's really good with him.

Sam grins, deciding the second one is the choice that sounds better.

***ASHER'S P.O.V***

"Heat. We need heat." Asher orders Finn as he rubs up and down on the sides of Elizabeth's chill-bump covered arms. After long seconds of this, he shakes his head. This isn't doing anything to help her. He checks her pulse, and thankfully a thump presses against his fingers, then another. Her pulse isn't as strong or as quick as it should be, but at least it's there.

Asher shuts his eyes for a second. Oh God, what would he do if she stops breathing?!

"Body heat." Asher mumbles, just as he rips off his shirt and snuggles up beside Elizabeth. He holds her limp body in his arms, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder, even though it is awfully heavy. He tangles his leg with hers, hoping that he is helping in some way.

Finn asks, "What are you doing?"

"Using body heat." Asher replies, his voice blunt.

Seconds pass, and finally Finn scoots on the opposite side of Elizabeth, leaning against her to help, too. Asher can feel is body heat, so he's praying Elizabeth can feel it twice as much.

Asher's insides are mushy and gushy in a way he's never felt them be. He'd rather attempt to shave a cat than feel the way he is feeling at this very moment. In his gut, there is a huge hole, as if someone could poke a fork right through him and he wouldn't feel a thing. His blood is ice cold, although comparing it to Elizabeth's skin, it might as well be a sauna.

Asher rubs Elizabeth's arm with his hands, his own arms still gripping her tightly. "You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

***SAM'S P.O.V***

"The power company is working on the electricity. It should be on any second now." The cop informs the group, his powerful flashlight trained on the closed door of the elevator. He doesn't acknowledge Mr. Gaz's incessant pacing, nor the way both Sam and Hanes are giving the man death glares.

"It's been three hours. The power should already be on." Sam growls to the chubby officer. "If you don't get them out of there soon..."

"What, son?" The man turns his head, his cruel eyes narrowing. "We've done the best we can. You wouldn't do anything, anyways..."

"Bet?" Sam strides forward, but Natalie's strong grip on his wrist catches him, stops him short, and conserves the good inside him. Backing down, he steps away, but he'd much rather slap the idiot across his pimple-crusted face.

"Now, you said there are three people in there?" The cop casts his flashlight's illumination over to Jay, who has the features of his face pulled into a tight, nervous expression.

"Yeah. Elizabeth, Asher, and Finn." Jay mutters, his gaze hovering over the police officer as he scribbles something in his notepad.

"They'll have to make statements and-"

Before the man can finish the rest of his statement, the power flickers back to life. The heater kicks on within minutes, bright lights shining in the hallway and revealing all the worried people, and finally, the elevator purrs back to life. A tiny, red number appears above the silver doors, notifying all of them the elevator is three floors down. Two floors down. One.

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