Chapter 10

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Trying so hard to open the door is when I couldn't take it anymore. I tried walking around to get

service. I banged on the door for five straight minuets. No sign of anyone. The bad part is that the

outside lunchroom is closed of by gates so no one can skip school. I tried climbing the fence. It

took me a few try's to hoist myself up. I was about third of a way up when I lost balance and

fell. I fell on my ankle wrong and screamed. It hurt so bad I couldn't even tell you.


I've been on the ground for about thirty minuets. I wish I had ice. The only person I can think of

who would do this is Emma, Brittany, Tiffany. They probably were watching me in the lunchroom.

I don't how the heck I will get out of here or how I will even walk. I army crawled to the door and

constantly knock on the door. Two minuets later the door comes flinging open and hits me on the

head. Everything goes black.


I wake up and find myself laying on a bed like thing. I didn't know where I was at first. Then I

thought I am in the nurses office. No one is in there. I sit up and hold my head because I have a

head ache. About two minuets later the nurse comes in.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine my head hurts."

"How come you were out there?"

"I went out there to eat lunch and got locked out."

"What happened to your ankle?"

"I feel climbing up the fence. Who opened the door?"

"Your friend Luke."


My mom picked me up and I laid in my bed when I got home. My head was pounding. I had an ice

pack on my head and ankle. My mom told me that I wasn't going to school tomorrow. Which was

fine with me because I never wanted to go back to school. My mom made me some macaroni and

cheese. I had two take two aspirins and then I went to bed.

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