01|Let Them Eat Cake.

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(Song of the chapter: "Riptide" By Vance Joy)

Maya's P.O.V. (Present Time)

"Maya." Someone poked my face and I twitched my nose, turning in my bed. "Maya. Class." And I turned to face my assailant. My younger brother. Great.

"Good morning dear sister. Can I borrow your car please?" Alessio asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Good morning. " I mumbled, getting up and stretching. "If I give you my car, how am I going to get to school?" I asked, walking into my closet and he followed me.

"Call Kyle or use the other 5 that dad bought you seeing that you're the eldest and his favorite?" The mention of my boyfriend of a year made me smile.

"I am not dad's favorite, I'm just the eldest." I replied and he scoffed. "Yea right." "How about tomorrow?" I said. "Thanks May." And he kisses my cheek, before walking out.

I picked out my usual outfit of a blue T-shirt and black leggings and panties and walked into my room, a searing pain hit me in the abdomen.

"No, not today. Please." I grabbed my underwear and rushed into the bathroom and closed the door, barely pulling down my shorts and underwear before sitting on the toilet. I have a class today.

"Damn it, you're early." Staring at my orange now red panty. I stripped, putting a pad on my clean underwear and stepped into the shower to wash out the soiled one, then brushed my teeth and showered.

Flashback (6 years ago)

I hummed the tune of 'Riptide' and there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Occupied." I shout out, thinking it was one of the twins wanted to pee. They always said that they preferred my bathroom out of the 4 that's in the house.

The door opens and I push my head out to see who was coming in. Shacquille's face greets me. "Showering, without me?" He raised an eyebrow and proceeds to strip.

I blush and advert my eyes, and I heard him chuckle; this deep rumbling sound rolling making its way from him.

"Excuse me, let me squeeze in behind you." He teased and I scoot up a bit, he enters behind me stretching for my strawberry and vanilla scented body wash and proceeded to lather it on my body.

"Mhmm, that feels good." I moaned quietly and his actions stiffened. He washed it off my body and placed soft kisses on my shoulder.

"Shac.." I turned to face him and he looked down at me. "Kiss me." He dipped his head down to my level, our lips meeting hard. He gripped my hands, pushing me on the wall.

"Such a pretty girl."

"You taste so good baby." He licked at the seams of my lips and I slightly part them, his tongue entered my mouth roughly, exploring every corner of my mouth, my hands trailed down to his dick and he groans quietly, stopping his actions.

"Cazzo, I want you so bad." He sucked on my neck. "Then take me." I grinded on him. [Fuck.]

"Are you sure princess?" He looked into my eyes for some uncertainty, but he wasn't going to find any. I trusted him.

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