kikiriku is missing

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'How did we lost the other? and in the forest no less.' Thought Ja'far with Kikiriku on his back. One moment they were with Sin and the others, and the other they were in the forest and didn't saw them anymore. Ja'far tried to look for something that would help them find their way back. But with Kikiriku that was playing with his hair by grabbing it hard and to pinch his cheeks in a painful way, Ja'far began to yell at the less than one year old Imuchack.

"STOP IT ALREADY."  And Kikiriku fell on the ground. His eyes began teary .

'Crap.' He crused mentally. He didn't needed a crying Kikiriku right now. And Kikiriku ran away from Ja'far.
'Why me.' It was what Ja'far was really asking himself. And he ran after the blue haired Imuchack. And he found him quickly. But when he did. He stood there frozen before to scream mentally.

Kikiriku was in the hands of a gaint like gorilla and was laughing. But Kikiriku didn't know that the beast wanted to eat him and not play with him. Ja'far noticed broken chains at the beast members. So he easily assumed that he had escaped the coliseum. He took his blades and tried to attack the beast whitout hurting Kikiriku. But it wasn't easy, because the beast was nearly using Kikiriku as a shield. So, Ja'far had to call his blades back before it could harm the little Imuchack. And when he did, the beast would punch him to the ground.

" I can't keep up like that.' He  thought as he coughed some blood. The cries of Kikiriku could be heard even if the beast was groaning hard. And for a moment Ja'far though like his old self. How it was unforgivable to have let his enemy punch him like this. How pathetic he was.

"No! I'M NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE. I'VE CHANGE." He thought. Since he had meet Sinbad, the man that had open his eyes. He wasn't the assassin that was in the organisation anymore. He was Ja'far from Sindria.

We are the kin..
Chosen by the djinn of thunder..
Become the king's ...
Household vessel.

Ja'far heard a voice in his head. Was it his imagination due to being beaten so much of by blood lost. He didn't know nor didn't care. He took his blades once again and this time lightning was wrapped around like a protection. And he shoot them at the beast. When the blades flied, it looked like two dragons attacking a pray.

"Balalark Sei." And the beast let go of Kikiriku before being electrocuted and falling dead on the ground. Ja'far felt his knees fall too on the ground, his view become darker and Kikiriku's cries become merely whisper. And so he felt the rest of his body touch the hard ground and his conscious go away.

" ...A' Ja'fa... Ja'far." What was for Ja'far whispers were in reality shouts to wake him up. He open his eyes a big before to open them fully. A worried Sinbad and Rurumu were at his side.

"S..Sin?" He asks, not sure of what he saw. He tried to get up, but every muscle of his body hurt. Sinbad had to help him sit up.

" Ja'far are okay?" Sinbad asks him.

" What happened?" Ja'far asks not answering Sinbad question.

"We went to look for you when we noticed that you weren't behind us anymore." Answers Sinbad. Rurumu looked to be on the edge of crying. And Ja'far didn't know why till flashbacks of what had happened some hours ago flew through the eleven year old white haired kid.
His eyes widen open. He looked in every direction, but..

"Where is Kikiriku?" He asked in a panicked state. Kikiriku was right next to him when he passed out.

"We hoped that you could tell us." Said Rurumu in a broken voice and tears began to fall from her golden eyes.

For Ja'far the time was like it had frozen. Kikiriku, that damn brat, who was less than one year old was missing. And Ja'far felt like it was all his fault.

~Somewhere else~


" Ga gaa."

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