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Fangirl, that's who I am.

From the day I could read and watch tv,

being a fangirl was in my blood.
There is nothing more in this world that defines me.

I may be smart, I may wear glasses,
but these are all things that could change.

Being a fangirl will never go away.

There is nothing I love more than to obsess and to love.

Characters are my babies and books are my life.

Give me a movie and I'll cherish it forever because there is nothing more precious in all of the world.
There are times when I'm sad, or scared and confused.

Sometimes life isn't what I thought it would be.

This feeling of unknown shapes the person I am,

however nothing will change the fangirl within.

I know when life's tough or happy with bees,

who I am is who I want to be,
and there's nothing more like a fangirl to make that a possibility.

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