epilouge ⇢ no, absolutley not

Start from the beginning

"Why? I haven't been to the gym today so I might as well." I reason.

"You can not carry me!" She laughs. "I'm way too heavy!"

"Firstly, I've seen you bare and you're tiny." I say cheekily. She blushes, but I continue. "Secondly, have you seen how much I can lift?"

Her eyes flit to the corded muscle around my shoulders, and I take her hand, leading her away from the crowd. Many other girls have left already, eager to party the evening away.

I bring us to a stop by a picnic table, gesturing for her to take her heels off.

"You're right, these do look nice, but they must be annoying." I smile, watching her untie them. When the first shoe is off, and she drops it onto the damp grass, I pick it up.

She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow at me. "I can carry my own shoes you know."

"No, I insist. This is a special day and you don't need to be taken down by the weight of these heels." I snort in mock seriousness.

She only shakes her head, muttering something along the lines of bloody gentleman.

"Amour, it's time for you to clamber on." I say, turning my back to the rusty old picnic table.

"Johnny, I am way too–"

"Heavy? You're so tiny and skinny that it'll be like carrying a matchstick." I retort.

At this remark, I hear her giggle faintly. "A–are you sure?"

"Definitely, now get on or we'll miss the bus that goes past your house."

Gingerly, she climbs on top of the picnic table and then eases herself onto my back. When I go to walk, she gasps, fisting her hands in my shirt.

It's safe to say I almost crashed off course and died of laughter.

It took us a mere half an hour to get to the bus stop, and Mackenzie got more and more animated with each step. I was barely working hard, and we chatted about aimless things.

When the bus drew up beside the curb though, we were glad to step inside. A couple behind us were arguing about who should carry whose shoes– obviously they'd been watching us come down the road.

While inside the bus, I'd tried to start talking about an important topic; our future, but there was a little girl there that Mackenzie seemed to like talking to so much I didn't want to interrupt.

When the bus swung around the corner to the stop a few streets away from Mackenzie's house, we both said bye to the young girl, whose name was Embry, and walked silently into the night. I'd offered to carry her again, but she politely declined. She only retreats into a polite mood when she's sad, so I was weary as we were walking.

Inside her house, I grab her a glass of water before going up to her room. She's redressed into blue nightie and done her hair in a bun; confirming my thoughts that she's upset about something. Relaxing on her bed beside her, I pull her into my lap, handing her the water, and she leans into me even more.

"What's wrong?" I prod gently.

"I dunno it's just... Do you ever think about what would have happened if I didn't lose our baby?" She sighs sadly.

"It was the little girl on the bus, wasn't it?"

Mackenzie nods.

"I think about it a lot." I murmur into her hair. "But hey, listen to this."

She shifts so she can view my face.

"There's no reason why we couldn't have kids in the future, yeah? But we have to sort out ourselves first."

"Makes sense." She mumbles, smiling softly.

The only sound to be heard after that is the ticking of her clock, before I gain the courage to ask her something I've been wanting to for a while.

"Would you like to move in with me?"

Her eyes flicker up to mine, a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "You're serious?"

"Of course."

"Yes." She breathes. "Yes yes yes!"

Delighted, I begin to kiss her softly.

And that's how we spent the rest of the night; wrapped up in each others arms, kissing and talking about everything under the sun.


[1302 words]

Qotd: freckles or dimples?
Aotd: freckles– I really badly want them !!

Oh, and before you go...

Make sure you give me a follow ;)

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