Chapter 7

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I found the perfect table while waiting for Hunter and Willow. The location of the table was perfect because you could see all the tables around you. Specifically the athletes' table.

I took out my phone and typed in.
I need to ask u a question
Do u know who Zane Watson is ?

"Simple but a pefect message to get things going." I thought.

Right then I saw Zane get up a pace around. After pacing around a couple times a girl said, "Would you stand still. You're making me dizzy."

"Sorry, it's just that she texted something." I heard Zane say. But after that I didn't hear anything else, but instead got a reply.

Who is he? Do u know him?

"If you and Zane are the same person, then you're a great liar.

Yeah u can say I know him
He's a great football player and is the captain of our team

Did he do something bad to u or something?

"So you wanna know the truth, eh." Just then Willlow and Hunter approached me. "What took you guys so long?" I asked putting my phone down.

"Had to grab something from my locker. Then I heading to where you were and thought that I should just stop by Hunter and walk with him."

I gave Willow a look of disappointment and said, "Hold on, I need to text someone real quick."

He was a nice a guy at first, but then when second term came, he became a jerk
But I repeat he was a nice guy, and I think he still is a nice guy


Reading that I thought, "Way to blow your cover Nate."

Sorry about what ?

Nothing, I just felt bad
Replied Nate.

"So guys, what's the plan for the summer?" Hunter said all of a sudden.

"Oh yeah, summer vaca is like a month away. I forgot." Added Willow sarcastically, "Oh wait, how I could forget, when it's not even a week away."

"I'm sorry, Willow, Zadie, just got to prepare, for something. You know?"

Again I gave Hunter the same look I gave Willow and said, "Well now that you mention it I was actually planning to buy new clothes. A.k.a hoodies and shoes." I said, "Hold up, let's continue this after I read a text." I said holding up a hand. 

Btw, I'll be busy for 3 weeks
So if I don't reply just remember this okay?

Okay I typed, I have things to do this week
So I guess I'll just talk to you in 3 wks

Talk to u later
Nate typed in.

Bye, We both said or typed and once again I put my phone down and discussed things with my friends.

"Uhh, Willow, d'you know if the football team has an event going on beforw the summer?" I asked as casually as I can.

"Yeah, they're practicing out of town for the big game coming up at the end of the year. Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing. So let's talk about our plans, and I'll grab something to eat." I said standing up. 

I came back with sushi, enouh for 10 people, and we continued to discuss our plans while eating our sushi.

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