Chapter: 71 George Washington

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Haytham look disappointed and a little annoyed, but I know why. Instead of those two going up the hill, Connor and I did. We didn't talk like they did, but Haytham would have rather talk to Charles Lee about this. Connor did not and want to talk with George Washington. It was so obvious into why, but Haytham is stupid and keeps defending him. Charles Lee was the one to murder his mother and to burn his village. Is he is blind to that very fact? It makes my blood boil and I had to bite down on my tongue from lashing out.

Haytham took the note off of the table and asked, "What's this?"

Connor and I share a look before glancing over to Haytham as well. George Washington seems embarrassed and shouted, "Private Correspondance! None for you!"

"Connor, would you like to know what it is about?" Haytham asked his son. George Washington glowered and glare at the man that was holding the paper in his hand. My eyes narrow and my stomach twist. 

"This dear friend of yours just order an attack on your village. Well, attack on your village is putting it mildly. Please explain, Commander." Haytham smirk at George Washington who seems a shame, but not so much as he held onto to whatever belief he has inside of him. 

"I have been getting reports in that the native allies were working with the British. I've asked my men to put a stop to it." George Washington finally explains while folding his arms behind his back. 

Haytham continued, "By burning their villages and salting the land. By calling for the extermination, according to this letter. Not the first time either. Tell them what you did fourteen years ago, Commander."

I whispered, "Connor..."

He didn't hear me as he was completely shell-shock by the news. Haytham was literally showing him evidence of why he should be trusting his father and not the Commander, but Connor holds his village close to his heart. I would have done so as well, but Haytham was basically twisting the words. At least that's what I had believed so, but I don't even know if it's true. I didn't pay attention to the extra thing that came up on the screen. Then again, all of this difference. Since I am here, nothing is the same except for some parts. 

"That was another time. The Seven Years Wars." The Commander looks away from both of us and Haytham is enjoying this. No doubt. I was losing my control on my tongue. The more I keep hearing his voice confronting George Washington. The more that I want to yell at him to shut up.

"And, so now you see what happens to this "Great Man" when under duress. He makes excuses, displaces the blame. Does a great many things in fact- except takes responsibility." Haytham practically growled out. 

Before I could inject into the conversation and straighten Haytham out of his show. Connor shouted with anger, "Enough! Who did what and why must wait. My people come first."

"Then let's be off." Haytham walks over to Connor's side, but Connor held his hand up.

"No, only Rosemary is going. You and I are finished." Connor held his hand out for me and George Washington glance over at me with sad eyes. It pains my heart so much to hear this and with slow steps as I passed the two males. I took Connor's hand into mine. 

Haytham spoke with disbelief, "Son..."

"Do not call me son!" Connor bellowed out before adding, "A warning to both of you. You either oppose me or follow me. I will kill you." 

He jerked me forward and I stumble a little before matching his stride. I glance over my shoulder at the two males standing there looking after us. This was going to be fun. This was not what I have wanted to see at all. I don't want Connor to see the burden of his people or having to kill his best friend. The memories of all of them playing together and growing up together must be painful for him. Connor stopped by the horses and face me, "Rose, I want you to take a horse and go back to the manor."

"Connor..." I was going to protest even though I don't really want to see this, but I don't want to leave him alone either.

"No. I want you safe and I want you away from this. I will be back as soon as I can." He spoke and gave me a sad expression. That expression also told me that he wanted to be alone because he knows what he has to do. He doesn't want me there because of what must be done. 

Tears began to form, but I blink them away. My throat close with emotion and I nodded my head, "All right. Do come back soon." I whispered the last part to him.

"I'll try." He whispered back to me. 

He hoists himself up onto the horse and rode off fast into the trees. I watch him before climbing onto the horse as well. Before I could take off on my horse, Haytham called out to me and fear strummed through me. "Rosemary, wait!"

I froze and glance to the trees as I wanted to snap my reins against the horse to spurred away him. He stepped into the path of my horse and I glare at him, "What do you want? Step aside and let me pass."

He narrows his eyes at me as well, "I would not take the normal road if I were you. Washington's man is all around and including others as well." 

"Why should I believe any words that come out of your mouth? Connor and you are done. That makes me as well. Now, step aside!" I snapped at him while glaring down at the male in front of me.

Haytham shook his head and spoke, "Heed my warning." 

He walks away and I snapped my reins before digging the heels of my boots into the side of the horse. Of course, I didn't listen to him. I sped forward and made my way back to the manor. His warning seems suspicious to me and I wanted to heed his warning, but he twisted his words. He lied and Connor is battling against the Patriots to save his people. A soft sigh escapes from me and I shook my head. I have to focus on getting back to the manor. I have to be patient for Connor and waits until he comes back to me. 

The trail was quiet and the fighting seems so far away. I slow the horse to a stop and stood up to glance behind me, but there was no one around me. It was only me and the horse. I sat back down on the saddle before making a clicking noise for my horse to trot down the pathway. It was going to a long trip, but I won't stop until I reach the manor again. Something went bam and a whistling noise past me as I duck in time to avoid whatever that was. Another went off and I look around wildly. Has the fighting spread up to here?

No, that can't be right. All the fighting is on the other side of the map. Not where I am. Another whistling sound came and I snapped my horse before taking off at full gallop while avoiding bullets that were flying past me. A few screeches tore from my lips while ducking and keeping low to my horse. I was open and I was bare. I had nothing, but my robes on. My fear was screaming through me and all I wanted to do was get away from whoever was shooting at me. Another bam and a whistling noise, but as I began to duck.

The bullet went into my shoulder and a scream tore from my lips. The horse turns so fast that I didn't have time to catch onto the reins again. I ended up falling off of the horse and down onto the ground, but not so fast where I ended up tumbling down the side of a large hill. With grunts and groans, I try to stop my pace, but gravity was not being kind to me at all. I ended up hitting a boulder and pain went through me while making a loud grunt. Including my head and black dots swarm my vision. It had grown quiet again, but there was rustling. 

It sounded far away, but I know it was coming towards me. I push myself upwards, but I was swarm with a dizzy spell. I couldn't push myself up to my feet as I had fallen onto my side. The dots swarm more making everything go hazy before I close my eyes. Let my death be quick, please.

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Let me know what you guys think?!

I know I kind of skip the first mission with Haytham and Connor when they went to New York again, but I didn't like that mission at all. It was so annoying and this one was annoying as well, but really sad. T-T

Thank you! :D

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