Diary Entry 2

86 1 3

Hey, everyone, this one is 2 months after the first one so yea


October 26 2008

Exactly 2 months ago on August 26 2008 in the afternoon. There was an earthquake and a tsunami. It was like a 2 year old throwing a non stop tantrum with a scream of crashing water.

Now lif is hard. I have changed a lot since then. I have been growing fruit and veggies I have got a water tank so I can get rainwater. If I did not have a water tank I would have to travel to the nearest town 9km away. That would not matter that much because I still have to go there to get milk, bread and other food. The bread tastes nice but I miss my mum making it. I travel there about once a week on a Monday. Sundays are the hardest with running short on food lucky I have a part-time job where I sell some of my fruit and veggies to be able to pay for the other food. 

My house is pretty small we have power but it runs short. The longest time you can have running water is 3 minutes. We have a candle and matches as well as a torch in every room in case the lights go out. It is hard to sleep sometimes at night with the smell of burnt candles. 

I would say that we are closer together as a family definitely. WE communicate with each other on the phone but it's not like seeing them in person. We call each other every day to see if anyone needs help and to see if everyone is ok.

I would not change what happened I think that it has brought us closer together and made us stronger as a family. I don't like living by candlelight but there are so many good outcomes about this disaster. Like I have changed a lot and am lucky how everything has worked out.


This is completed sorry if it is really bad i could not change it much because then it would not be the same.

Have a great day :)

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