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I headed back to my room and when I entered Carter was in the same spot as when I left. I looked at him as I entered. 

"I'm back." I told him when heading to my bed to sit down. He came to sit down next to me. 

"Okay tell me what you mean by I wouldn't understand." He told me. 

"Okay, well. There is this room that is crazy only one wall out of the 3 are black. There is just something about that room that is crazy. Today before I come into the kitchen and met you me and Rosie came from in there. I heard Rosie scream and I followed her scream and she was in there. She was locked in there but when the door opened it was pitch black and she was gone. I walked in and tripped over a book and the whole wall just completely turned. I found Rosie on the other side." I started to tell him. "And that was just that part. Long before now when I was unpacking. Since you know. We just moved. I took my phone out of my suitcase and pulled it in when I turned back to my suitcase it was gone. I didn't move it or anything. But, I looked under the bed and there is was. Than after that. I took my clothes out and brought them to my dresser and put my clothes in the dresser but when I opened the dresser I found a diary. It's not mine. The dressers and the bed come with the house. But, beside that I looked back at my suitcase and the lid was closed. I didn't close it." 

He looked at me in shock. His eyebrow raised. "And you moved here today?" 

I looked back at him and nodded. I leaned over to my pillow and took out the diary. 

"This is the diary I found. I never opened it yet though. I am scared that it will unleash something but when I think about it. Something might be already unleashing." I told him when holding the diary. 

"You had a long day." He told me when grabbing the diary from me. He looked at the binding. "This is so old. This was made in like the 1800's." He said. 

"How would you know that?" I asked him. 

"By how the binding looks. I learned it in school one time. It was a very weird history class." He said starting to laugh at the memory. Than he handed me the diary back. "Be careful with that." 

"I will." I said opening my dresser by my bed and putting it inside. 

"Oh, and by the way. Your mom said I could spend the night here. I can see if anything weird happens." He said. 

"Really now. You can spend the night in here. It the only room you can sleep in. I have 3 other siblings that you haven't met yet and there all  younger than me and I don't want you downstairs if something happens." I told him. 


 When I am with him I feel like i'm safe. I barley know him but I think I am starting to have feelings for him.I have this feeling that I love him...

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