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I followed the sound of Rosie screaming bloody murder...
I looked in all of the rooms upstairs but as soon as i landed my feet on the first floor of this nightmare i quickly jumped back and seen the room....
    The door was completely locked
Shut! "Rosie!?" I called out.
But no answer.
  "ROSIE!"  I was getting worried...
I kepts trying to open it but i couldnt...
   Next thing i know it it flies open! Leaving me face the darkness.
I didnt care how dark it was in there i wanted my little sister!
   " ROSIE!" I screamed again.
"Over here." I heard a soft whisper.
"Rosie...." I looked over and seen her curled up in a ball in the corner.
Poor thing.. whatever happened to her made her paralyzed in her mind.
   She wouldnt speak to me when i came up close to her.
  "Rosie??" I recited again.
" over here." The voice made me jump and i looked behind me but there was nothing when i looked at rosie she was GONE!
   "AHHHHHHH." I screamed in frustration..
   I was tired of this!
"ROSIE WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU! THIS ISNT FUN-" i was intrupted by something touching me on the neck..
  It felt cold and shakey..
That's when I knew Rosie was gone..

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