Kevin made his way to the kitchen and saw his mother laughing softly.
"-and this one was taken on Kevin's fifth birthday. We told him not to touch that cake but Kevin, being so impatient, grabbed it and got it all over himself. It was such a mess."
"Jeez, mom! This is embarrassing!"
"Oh just in time! Kevin sweety, I was just showing your friend here your baby photos."
"I can see that."
"What about this one Mrs. Barr," Eddward said pointing to the picture on Kevin covered in icing and candles.
"Ah, this is my favorite one. It was my birthday-"
"Mom please!"
"- Larry was making me a cake but Kevin here said he wanted to be my birthday cake. So Larry put icing all over his body and decorated him with candles. Even sang Achy Breaky Heart to me."
The two laughed and Kevin found himself staring at Eddward. He'd never seen Eddward laugh or even heard it before now.
But, if he looked closely, he can see a bit of longing in his eyes as he looked at the photo.
"Thank you, Mrs. Barr-"
"Please, call me Kathy Eddward."
"Thank you, Kathy but we really should be going now." Eddward stood to his feet and the Barr's followed suit.
"I enjoyed having you this morning. Honestly, I thank you for being with him. He never wakes up this early and is always late."
"Mom! I'm not always late!"
"Don't worry Mrs. Ba-"
"-Kathy. As long as I'm across the street Kevin won't be late again." Eddward looked to Kevin who blushed and looked down nervously. Kathy chuckled and sighed.
"Take care of my son, Eddward." Edd saw the look Kathy was giving Kevin and a quick wave of sadness washed over him before he pushed it aside and smirked.

"I swear she is the most embarrassing of my parents. Honestly, who shows baby pictures on the first meeting like that!"
"I asked to see them and she agreed. This one, however," Eddward said holding up the photo of Kevin with icing and candles covering his body, "this one is mine to keep."
"W-Wait a second! You can't just take photos from others!"
"This was the extra copy signed to 'Kevin's Future Spouse'." Eddward showed him the back of the photo and sure enough, it had those exact words written on it in his dad's scratchy writing style.
"I can't believe you can read that," Kevin said trying to take the photo but was too slow.
"It's a little worst then your own writing, but still legible."
"Can I have the photo back!"
"You wish," Edd said placing the photo in his hat, where Kevin couldn't reach it.
"You Double Jerk!"

The entire trip to school, Kevin didn't speak a word to Edd, no matter what he did.
"Don't be so angry with me, Pumpkin. It's for my eyes only, ya know."
Once to the school, Kevin was about to walk through the doors but was stopped by Eddward.
"Pumpkin," Eddward said before pinning him to the wall next to the doors.
"I don't like being ignored, Pumpkin." Eddward placed a leg between Kevin's, feeling the growing erection of the smaller male in his possession.
"You so lewd, Kevin. Is this really turning you on? The fun part hasn't begun just yet." He began kissing Kevin from his cheek to his neck.
"E-Edd, stop this," Kevin moaned out, "someone m-might see us."
"Hmm," was all Eddward said before kissing the spot that made Kevin mewl. Eddward attacked that spot relentlessly and Kevin moaned louder and louder as he did so.
"E-Eddward!" Kevin clung to Eddward and that turned Eddward on more than anything so far. He loved the feel of the orange haired boy's arms around him, clinging to him in pleasure. Just imagining how Kevin would react to him when they did more was sending him in a spiral out of control.
"Your very erotic, Pumpkin. I'm becoming addicted to you."
"You Double Jerk," Kevin moaned out. Eddward chuckled and stopped his assault on the adorable boy.
"You're so mean," He panted out.
"I know, Pumpkin. Let this be a lesson to you."

"That was just from ignoring the guys," Nat exclaimed.
"Yeah. How much of a jerk can he be!"
"You should ignore him more often."
"Nazz is right. I mean he's already marked you as his territory and-"
"You make it sound like he peed on me or something."
"It's the or something," Nazz said then held up a mirror.
"What the hell? What is that?"
"Oh, Eddward, sweety," Nat said and slung an arm over his shoulder, "that, my lost child, is called a hickey."
"Why that Double Jerk! Just wait till I get my hands on him!"
"That sounds like a fun time." The three froze then turned to see a smirking Edd and behind him were Eddy and Ed.
"What are you going to do when you get your hands on me, Pumpkin?"
" I was-"
"Eddy Sampson, Ed Hill, Eddward Vincent, report to my office immediately!" Eddy began to laugh as he walked out the door and Ed followed.
"What did you three do this time," Sarah asked. Edd just smirked and tipped Kevin's hat down.
"Catch you later, Kevin."

Rev! KevEdd: Of Monster and PumpkinWhere stories live. Discover now