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I remember that when I was a little child, everybody would tell me that people seak out peace and belive in equality, all over the globe. But actions speak louder than words,don't they? I remember opening the small TV we had at our aprtment in gotham city and hearing the latest developments for the war at Iran and how violently women are treated in some countries because of their sex. I used to have this childish thought, I rally deeply believed it, that one day the dawn of justice would come. But in just one day, one night, one fatal second, just a single result of followed actions and decisions, was enough to change everything. It was enough to show me how the world really is and how it works. In order to survive in this cruel world you have to follow the one rule there is, there are no rules. People up to today keep believing that that they can change themselves, that they can envolve. But they have to come out of that dream world of theirs and face reallity, as cruel as it may be. The fate of humanity is self-distraction, which means that they can put in use their best ability, destroying everything. There are some people that are trying to slow down the momentum of it, and I really don't blame them, I actually kind of believe in them. They wanna save humanity or at least what has been left from it, and they may be able to do so one day,but it would probably be too late by then.


If the story isn't good or they can be some corrections,please share them freely.If you don't like it express your opinion.It is my first story so it won't be good............

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