He laughs and then Alex walks up.
"Mom, we're gonna have a party kinda but not a party more like we're rockstars but still have no friends and listen to mgk. Come onnnn.", he pulls on my arm whining.
"Sorry guys, they're getting cranky.", i joke, "But I'll catch y'all later! So nice to meet you, Grace."
We say goodbye and I walk away with Alex.


Once we all get to the buses and into our bunks, my phone goes off.

' @ Alexalltimelow tweeted;
wish i could've kissed all of you on the forehead tonight, hopefully touching nova's forehead kiss was enough. thank you for an amazing night, love y'all.'

I like and retweet it, and put my phone down.
It goes off again.
from; unknown number
hey :) - Aws

to; unknown number
heyyy, how'd u get my #?

from; aws 🍇
zach gave it to me in case I needed it, but i got bored. and here we are

to; aws 🍇
ooh that's l i t

from; aws 🍇
did you just say lit as if it's not out of style yet?
anddd, laying here. everyone is playing mario kart, and by everyone I mean Geoff and Otto, but I'm too lazy to socialize with people I don't know. wbu?

to; aws 🍇
ouch #roasted
"anddd", that's too relatable.
i'm laying here, the boys are listening to angry music over the bus speakers and playing gta. very much my scene, but i'm really not in the mood to listen to machine gun kelly yell profanities. maybe tomorrow night though

from: aws 🍇
sounds like a whole bunch of fun
speaking of music, what kind do you like?

to; aws 🍇
good question.
i like all types of music. my favorite has to be alternative, punk, or rock. absolutely cannot stand country though. wbu¿

from; aws 🍇
good taste
same here, actually

to; aws 🍇
i have a q 4 u

from; aws 🍇
i have an a "4 u"

to; aws 🍇
are u alright? i meant to ask when I saw y'all but I forgot by then ):

from; aws 🍇
wdym by "alright"?

to; aws 🍇
during that one song, powerless I think, you seemed like you were about to cry or something. are u okay?

from; aws 🍇
it's no biggie, i'm alright

to; aws 🍇
i wanna yell at u for lying but my fingers feel like they're gonna fall off. call mee

A few seconds later he calls.
"That was clearly a lie, so what's wrong?", I ask.
"Long story short, I wrote this song about a girl. We dated, she cheated on me. No biggie.", he says, he sounds tired.
"Oh shit. I didn't know that song was about her. I'm sorry.", I apologize.
"You know about her? And don't be sorry."
"I follow you on social media and stuff, and why not?"
"No way!", he says suddenly excited, "and because, you didn't hurt me."

"Yes way, your Twitter is very entertaining. And yeah I know but still, I've been there before and it sucks."
"Oh damn, I'm sorry."
"No biggie.", I shrug.
"The boys wanna say hi, turn on your camera.", Awsten says, turning on his.
His hair is a mess and he has glasses on, he looks very tired.
Geoff looks energized and excited, and Otto is very focused on his phone.

"Hiiii.", I say as my camera focuses on my red hair.
"Hey.", Awsten smiles, causing the boys to look up.
I smile in response.
"Awsten just screenshotted you.", Otto says loudly, exposing his friend.
Awsten quickly types something and says, "Leave me alone.", jokingly.
"If it's an ugly picture I'm going to sue you."
As soon as I finish my sentence my phone goes off.

' @ awsten tweeted;
a look?
attachment 1 '

I open it and it's a picture of our FaceTime.
I'm very big on the screen with my fiery red hair, dark freckles, and big glasses that are 100% not prescription.
And in the tiny square on the side, the boys are squished together.

' @ alexalltimelow tweeted;
that's why she's ignoring me >:('

I tweet him back.

' @ novagrace tweeted;
@ alexalltimelow still love u. come 2 me.'

He likes my tweet and i hear my bunk curtain open.
"Hi.", Alex says.
"Hi! I'm still on the phone with parx."
Alex moves me aside lightly and begins talking, "Listen here, she might like you guys but she's ours. Already have dibs."
"What if she ends up liking us more?", Awsten says, causing me to open my mouth slightly.
"She won't.", Alex says.
For a second I thought they were actually going to fight until they both start laughing.
"Alright, mgk and lisa are calling my name. Bye boys, see ya later nov.", Alex says, leaving.
"Alright, i'm gonna go get ready for tomorrow. But I'll text you tomorrow and I guess I'll see you at like 6. Byeee.", I say.
"Bye.", they boys smile and I hang up.
I slowly drift to sleep afterwards.

Oh, Calamity! » a.kजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें