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{Chloe's POV}

Tears start to fill up in the corner of my eyes, blurring out my vision as I look around, trying to see clearly despite the tears that won't stop drizzling down my cheeks. I turn my head towards Taylor, asking for her help. I pray to God that she would stick with what she told me earlier, telling me she'd help Katy and I get away from here. She's our only chance of getting out of this place. For once, Jonathan was right. This is hell.

"I'm going to make a deal with you, my beautiful Katy." Jonathan says, making me shiver in disgust. I wanted to cut my ears off, when I heard him say that. I swear, he disgusts me right through my core.

"What more do you want from me? You took away everything I had and now this? This is bullshit! You're fucking crazy!" Katy yells at Jonathan, her voice breaking as she glances towards me with tears in her eyes, making them glisten breathtakingly despite the sadness it encases. Jonathan angrily turns around, running his hand through his hair. I turn back to Taylor, looking at her, pleading for her to make a move.

"Not now." She mouths, making me sigh in defeat. If I really wanted to get out of here, I need to trust my friend. Yes, I've let go of the pain she caused me with what she did. She may have tricked me into going back to my house where she helped Jonathan into abducting me, but I forgive her for that. I know I sound crazy right now, but I don't have much choice but to let go of that anger. I thought about this really carefully, when I am left alone with my haunting thoughts.

You see, if you were to be left alone with nowhere else to go, you wouldn't have much choice but to dwell inside your horrifyingly unfathomable mind. These past weeks had been so hard for me. Hell, I was so close to insanity at one point. To long about getting out of this place had been the only string connecting me to sanity and hope. Though I know I'm going to lose it soon, that little string. Day by day, that little piece of hope left inside of me slowly fades away into the distant, going wherever the wind goes only to be lost and never come back.

"I've had it with you, Katy. I'm trying to be nice here and offer you a fucking deal but I guess you just had to be a bitch just like you always are. If this is what you want then that's it no more games, it's time to get real." Jonathan looks at Katy, making her whimper with fear.

"Nico, get my pistol. I need to show Katheryn who the hell here runs the show." I gulp hard, sobbing silently as I close my eyes. Taylor, please do something soon. Chloe, you're not going to die tonight, okay? You're not going to die anytime soon.

"It's not here!" I hear Nico's distant voice from upstairs, talking to Jonathan with a bit of worry in his tone. My eyes spring open, wide with confusion and surprise. My heartbeat starts picking up again, making it hard for me to breath as I try to calm down. Katy looks at me with so much pain and fear, making my heart clench for her. I'm the reason why she's in such condition right now.

"Let go of Katy or I'll shoot you!" Taylor screams, her voice squeaky as she holds the gun between her shaking hands infront of her. Jonathan smirks, looking at Taylor as he holds my mother closer with his knife on her delicate neck. I look at her, my heart pounding in my chest. My hands tremble even when they're tied up behind my back as my palms start sweating like crazy.

"Go ahead." Jonathan challenges, chuckling to himself. I manage to roll my eyes despite the immense fear and nervousness inside of me as of the moment.

"Oh, I'll fucking do it." Taylor responds, her face flushed with anger despite the tears that seem to never stop from trickling down her rosy red cheeks.

"Why don't you pull the trigger, Taylor?" Jonathan, being the ass that he is, taunts my friend. I look at Katy, seeing her desperately trying to hold in her sobs as she digs her fingernails into Jonathan's arm. I wriggle my arms, wanting to escape from the painful ropes holding me still.

"Afraid to kill? I don't remember your own father being that way when he tried to kill y-" A loud bang makes my ears ring, my eyes squeezing themselves shut. I sob loudly, too scared to open my eyes and see what I know is going on.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I hear Taylor sob loudly, choking in her own tears as she gets closer towards me. I feel the ropes slowly loosing it's grip against me, my hands no longer stinging with pain as it's rough texture wraps around them. I open my eyes seeing Taylor standing infront of me, looking at me with so much fear in her eyes it even surpasses mine. I stand up, hugging her so tightly. I pull away slightly, just to take the ductape off of my mouth so I could fully speak again.

"Thank you." I breath out onto her ear, still sobbing loudly as my breaths come in shaky. I feel Taylor's body stiffen, her chest no longer going up and down. I pull away from the hug, looking at her with confusion. My heart beats louder and more swiftly now, making me fear that it might burst out of my rib cage any moment now. I gulp hard, turning around to see what Taylor is staring at. I gasp as my heart stops, my tears coming out of my eyes like the waterfalls that I don't know if I can release any more. My head starts spinning, my chest feeling so empty and hollow, my hands shaking so furiously that I couldn't even control my own body anymore as I stare at the torturously painful sight infront of me. I couldn't think straight as millions of knives stab me endlessly, motionless and in unbearable pain. I rush towards Katy, trying to ignore the pool of blood surrounding her, slowly soaking into her shirt with it's crimson color.

"Mom I-" I sob uncontrollably, my hands shaking with so much fear. My hands travel along the sides of her face, afraid that she might disappear right infront of me as I kneel closer by her side. She looks at me, tears slowly coming out of her beautiful eyes. My fingers press on the long and deep cut along her neck, trying to make the bleeding stop so desperately.

"Shush. . . Chloe, don't cry. Don't cry." She coos, her voice soft and barely audible as she tries to reach for my cheek, wanting to wipe away my tears. I clasp her delicate hand, holding it carefully as I continue to look at her.

"Please don't leave me." I choke out, my voice strained and rough from all the crying. She smiles softly, making me sob louder.

"I'll never leave you." She whispers, as a few more tears trickle down her cheeks. Her breathing starts to slow down, like when you're about to sleep, peaceful and soft. I whimper as my head rests on her bloodstained chest, my body shaking uncontrollably as I lay on top of my dying mother. I couldn't even bear the though of her leaving me any second now. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to feel, I just don't know. I can't stand to lose her. I lift my head from her chest, no longer hearing her soothing heartbeat. My heart stops beating as I look at her, fighting to keep her eyes open even for a second. She flashes one last smile, that same magnificently mesmerizing smile that had always made me feel safe, loved and home. That smile that will forever remain in my mind. Though her lips are starting to lose it's color, it never lost it's ability to brighten anyone's day. I bite on my lower lip so harshly as I look at her intensely, her eyes closing as she is slowly saying goodbye with her hands sluggishly sliding down my cheek without actually uttering the words I always dreaded to hear from her. I close my eyes, not being able to take the immense pain inside of me anymore. I just lost the person who turned my life around, giving me the chance to know how it feels like to be truly happy. I just lost the person who accepted me and loved me with no end. I just lost the person who means so much to me. I just lost my mom.


im in tears right now seriously

this is so hard for me to write bc it just hurts knowing katy dies in my story like omg i cant take this

but anyways, tadaaa! chapter twentyyy! haha *sobs*

the story is coming to an end. i never thought id say this but it is. it's almost done and i cant explain how much i love all of you for being with me on this crazy journey through the sequel of missing melody. seriously, i cant thank you all enough. i love you all so so so so much.

spotlight. (book two of missing melody) // katy perryWhere stories live. Discover now