spotlight. // katy perry fan fiction

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Thud. Thud. Thud.

I suck at the remaining air left for me in this humid place, holding my breath as I hear menacing footsteps. I close my eyes, tears silently staining my cheeks. I bite my lower lip, unable to stop it from trembling.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The door creeks open, making my heart stop as I hear the eerie sounds of the old rickety basement door slowly opening. Tears continue to stream down my face, staining my cheeks as fear comes with every drop.

"Hello, Chloe," I stiffen, his voice sending unpleasant chills through my body. I swallow hard, trying to regulate my heartbeat. Sweat drips down my face and along my neck, making me feel sticky and hot.

"Look at me," He orders, his voice echoing around the silent basement. I slowly lift my head, opening my eyes and look into his. I quickly look away, not daring to hold his frightening gaze. He smirks, making me mentally gag. He searches his pocket, not once looking away from me. He pulls something out, something that made my blood drain from my body. I involuntarily squeak, unbearable fear taking over my whole being. My eyes agape, staring straight at the object in his hand.


The sound of gunshot makes me gasp, cutting off all the sense left in me. I couldn't move any part of my body. Every inch, every muscle stiffens. Memories swiftly flashes through my mind, playing like clips from a fast-forwarded movie. Everything goes by so swiftly I had trouble catching up. And that's when the epiphanic feeling strikes.

I can't escape this basement.



[smiles evily]



anyways, here it is. yes, this is the sequel of my book missing melody. i can't stop writing and i'll never stop. lol maybe one day but not any time soon. so, what do you think? any comments? please please please comment and vote. i really really hope that this sequel would receive as much positive feedback as missing melody did or even more if id get lucky lol (though i doubt it). anyways, here is the prologue. hope you enjoyed reading the first of

"Spotlight(Sequel of Missing Melody)"

spotlight. (book two of missing melody) // katy perryWhere stories live. Discover now