Shattered hopes

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    Lucas hadn't made another pass at me after that night and I couldn't blame him. Deep inside, I knew he was hurt and I knew it was my fault. I was still seeing him on a daily basis, but except for the fire burning in his eyes whenever he looked at me, he was giving nothing away. 

    As for Nick... He wasn't answering my calls anymore -which was not that big of a surprise. My mom's words kept haunting me: "Don't play games with his heart, Kate."; "you need to stop before you break him." I think I finally did it... I broke my best friend's heart and that sucked!

   "What do you think, Ms. Mullin?" The man seated next to me asked, leaning in. "Do you think it's worth the chance?" I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "Ms. Mullin?"

    "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." He lifted his brows incredulously.

    "I'm talking about investing that much on a firm that's currently losing money."

    "Um... I think we should be able to get our investment back in two years tops."

    A smirk appeared on his face.

    "So you think they'll be able to get back in business?"

    "With our help... Yes. I do think they'll be able to get back in business. And quite soon too, if I may add."

    He shook his head and let out a laugh. All heads turned to look at us.

    "Is there something funny, George?" Lucas asked gravely.

    "No, sir. I'm sorry!"

    "Ms. Mullin?" Lucas looked at me expectantly.


    "I was just asking Ms. Mullin's oppinion on the deal we're about to close." George cut me off.

    "Oh... And what's Ms. Mullin's oppinion?"

    "I think we should be able to get our investment back in two years tops." My voice was barely above a whisper.

    "And why do you think that?"

    "Because I've seen the charts. The Slyer Group may be currently losing money, but they don't have any debts, so they don't represent a big risk."

    "So you're saying we're risking nothing by investing in this company?" The brat -excuse me!- Jen asked.

    "No, I'm not saying that. There are risks in everything. What I'm trying to say, is this one, is a risk worth taking. I've read the contract... Best case scenario, they have a good comeback  -which is most likely- and we win; worst case scenario, they keep losing money and we get their company -case in which... we win again."

     Lucas started to laugh and the room fell silent.

    "And that... is how you make business. Good job, Ms. Mullin. The meeting is closed. Ms. Mullin! A word?"

    I nodded and stood up. I noticed Jen also coming toward me and Lucas and my jaw clenched.

   "You did a great job today, Kate." He held his hand out to me and I took it. It was the first time in three days he was touching me and the skin to skin feeling was just as I remembered.

    "Hey! You're Kate, right?" Oh, no! The brat was here...

    "Yes. Nice to meet you..."

    "I'm Jenifer Calahan. Nice to meet you too!" She was beaming at me and I could barely manage to smile. "You were amazing in there."


    "No problem." Looking at Lucas she added "I'll see you later, Luck?"

     Lucas smiled back at her. "Sure. I'll see you at the gym."

     I couldn't belive it! This wasn't happening! Or... Maybe it was. They were both gorgeous after all. They made a good couple.

    "Ok... I'll go get ready then." She left the room, leaving me and Lucas alone.

    "You really did great today, you know?"   

    "Thanks. Can I go now?"

    He seemed shocked and reached for my hand.

    "Kate, is everything ok?"

    No, it's not.

    "Yes, everything's fine."


   "Why does she call you 'Luck'?"

   Lucas's eyes widened and he seemed taken aback.

   "It's a nickname." He answered shortly.

   "Yeah, I pretty much got that."

   "Kate, I'm not gonna say it again."

   "Say what again?"

   "There's nothing going on between me and Jen. We're just hitting the gym together today."


   "I mean it, Kate. God damn it! I've been at the gym everyday and she saw me and wanted to come too. You know what I want. I'm just waiting for you to make up your mind as well."

   "Of course you do." I pulled my hand from his grasp and he stood up glowering at me, yet not touching me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hit the bar. Alone..."

   Lucas didn't come after me, but that was good. I didn't know for how long I could keep it together anymore. I was disappointed... All my hopes and dreams were shattered just like that...

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