The Rejection: 13

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The Rejection - 13

               - Hope -

The bell rang, signaling that class was over and that lunch was finally here. I couldn't have been much more happier than at that moment.

               Jason had been in every single one of my morning classes, and let me tell you, it was torture. He had tried talking to me every chance he got, and when he wasn't speaking to me, he was staring at me. I never made eye contact, though, much too afraid. Luckily enough, I had Arianna to distract me and keep my attention from the certain blue eyed boy.

               Even weirder, I hadn't even caught a glimpse of Klaus the rest of the morning. It depressed me, I admit, for he was my brother and I hadn't really seen him for a while, but I knew I would eventually, so I didn't dwell on the subject.

               "Hope!" My head snapped up as I came back down to Earth. Arianna was waving her hands in my face, looking frustrated with me. "I want to get to lunch, but I also want you to sit with me, so pick up the pace, woman!"

               "Okay, okay! I'm hurrying!" I said, stumbling out of my seat. Don't get me wrong, I was overjoyed that I had a new friend to socialize with, but she did have to realize that I was not one for moving quickly - at anything. I was extremely klutzy and a stuttering machine, at least, that's how I saw myself. Not to mention awkward, can't forget about that. I picked up my bag from the floor and straightened myself.

               Arianna shook her head lightly at me and we left the classroom together in silence. I hadn't gotten any books, so I had nothing really to put in my locker - which I had still yet to find, but I decided I would worry about that when I actually had something to put in it.

               Nerves were wracking my body as we gained closer and closer to the cafeteria. I could hear the loud chatter of people and the clanking of the hard plastic trays as they were tossed around carelessly. I hated lunch hour, always did, and it seems like things hadn't changed. Hungry teens still pushed passed each other roughly; some of the senior football players picked on the freshman in the corners; and the average ones remained quiet, keeping to themselves as they waited patiently.

               Not to mention, once you entered the cafeteria - or hellhole, as I like to call it - multiple pairs of eyes would stare you down, judging you and deciding which group you belonged in; the football players, the geeks, the freaks, the cheerleaders, the snotty rich kids, or just one of the average ones who sat with their long-term friends, disguising themselves among the judgment.

               I was so nervous, I didn't know what everyone else would think of me. They probably thought I was weird, and didn't want to be around me. I tried my hardest to shove all the nervous thoughts and feelings to the back of my mind, though, not wanting to seem weak in any way. Arianna and I were just about to walk into the cafeteria when my name was called out.

               "Hope!" the familiar voice of a certain dark skinned friend called from down the hall. I whipped around, Arianna following in suit, to see Devon running up to us, a smile lighting up his features. It was infectious and made me want to smile. "I was wanting to ask you something," he said as he reached us.

               "Shoot," I shrugged.

               "You want to eat lunch with me and the guys and Thalia?"

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