Chapter Seven: A Dark Cloud

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As quickly as ever, it seems night has to fall once more, stealing away the precious sunlight that Sidon and I spent our entire day basking in. Floating over the East Reservoir Lake, discussing the little things that not many people would stop to take the time to even think about. But we do, and it's enchantingly pleasant, despite it ending so abruptly.

Of course, as soon as the temperature takes its dramatic dip the minute the sun sinks into the horizon, throwing out a tangerine explosion across the sky, the two of us hurry back to the Zora Domain, greeting people as we pass. Well, I suppose Sidon does more of the talking; I prefer to just nod or sometimes smile. Speaking isn't my strong point.

"I must say, Link. I truly enjoyed myself today. Time with you is always refreshing," Sidon chuckles as we approach the great steps ascending to the throne room, his eyes fluttering down to me and my much-inferior height. I often save my words, but I'm much more lenient around him.

"I can't disagree," I hum, as plain as understated as usual. It draws less attention to me, if that's even possible, what with the gleaming sword that seals the darkness resting on my back at all times. But, all of that aside, I can't help but mean every word, despite only uttering three of them. There's just something enjoyable about being with Prince Sidon.

Perhaps it's because he's so settling, as a face from my past. I knew him from such a young age, and he's a living reminder of times where things were a little better. Where the sun seemed to shine a touch brighter, and smiles came easier to my lips. So to be with him, alone and talking about those days, it just feels like I'm inches closer to a time that was so much better.

"I do hope you and the princess decide to stay a little longer. We still have no cure for these markings, but I'm sure we can think of something." And there it is. The mention of two things I've been deliberately putting out of my head. Leaving the domain, and the marks speckling my skin. The ones that, even after being touched by Mipha's Grace, have refused to shudder or fade.

Immediately noticing the way my gaze falls downwards, Sidon desperately stumbles over himself to fix the dim atmosphere before it can fester any longer. All the while, the clouds lazily lingering overhead gently start to peel apart little by little, revealing the silver orb hovering in the sky above. Or, that's how it should be.

"Maybe you shouldn't think of anything. Maybe you should just let me die." Bathed in crimson, the ruby moon humming with a brilliance unlike any I can recall, I stiffly turn to face Sidon, my head snapping to one side. It scares him, of course, and I like it. Seeing the horror on his features as he stares at me. It's settling.

"Link? Your eyes! Y-Your face!" He exclaims, backing away from me when I take one step forward, staring at him with a grin twisting from ear to ear. That's right, stumble back, cower in fear. If my last sight is to see you petrified, then I can leave this pitiful existence happy. No, not happy. Satisfied. 

So I let the image soak into my brain, despite knowing it will soon disappear. I let it fill me, my heart fluttering eagerly as images of fear and distress swirl around like a delicious torrent within my mind. Preserving it, cherishing it, enjoying the flavours of terror. I try to keep it fresh as I finally turn my back to the trembling Zora prince, expecting him to call for his guards. Please do; it may make things easier.

Or don't. I don't care.

I just begin to walk, humming to myself as my boots click against the glistening tiles beneath me, the silhouette I cast shuddering with uncertainty. My own shadow is afraid of me. Smirking at the thought, I keep advancing forward, not caring to turn back. If I glance upon Sidon to find that he isn't as afraid as he was when I last looked, the image in my head will be replaced. Refreshed. This one is too delicious to release.

And then, I reach my destination. The source of one of the waterfalls tumbling off of Zora's Domain, often so beautiful in the silver moonlight. Perhaps more so in a vermilion glow. So I tilt my head and observe for a moment, guaging the severity of the drop. Perhaps not enough to kill, but definitely enough to shock the limbs long enough to suffocate.

That's when I catch my reflection in the water, blinking curiously at it. Eyes as crimson as the pendulum overhead, glowing with a strength akin to moonlight. And the marks, twisting within the gleaming irises, having relocated from my skin to the ruby pigment staring back at me. "Link, what's wrong with you?!" Sidon, your cries are perfect. They fuel the twisted enigma of horror in my mind, contorting your features within my memory. With my death, you will decay, just as I am beginning to picture you.

So I jump.

I don't need to think about it, I simply let my feet carry me over the edge, my body hurtling towards the awaiting liquid below. In the red light, it almost looks like blood, as eager to meet me as I am to introduce my form to it. And I do, in mere seconds. Crashing into the water, it takes no time for my limbs to freeze from the impact, becoming rigid and unresponsive. They refuse to move, and I couldn't be any more delighted as my body sinks. As I gasp for air under the water. As my lungs burn with a desperation for oxygen.

I'm going to die here, under the Blood Moon, bathed in a moonlight so beautifully stunning and wondrous. With Sidon's horrified expression melded into my memory, all twisted and cracked and hollow. I'm going to die here.

And I can't wait.


OKAY this actually creeped me out writing it, and I'm nearly 20. Sorry, but as the author, the things I imagine going through Link's head are much worse than I've actually described, and I think it's best that way. After playing Doki Doki Literature Club, the images I can think up now are so much more terrifying than before, and... Yeah...

Link's head is twisted af in this chapter.

BUT, you'll see why soon enough. This isn't the end of the story, not even I would cut it off so abruptly like that.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy this cliffhanger, and let me know what you think just happened. I'd love to see your theories ;)

ALSO (I'm nearly done I promise)

I'm going to be writing two more Zelda stories once this one is finished. One is based on the concept of Link being a member of the Yiga Clan, and the other is about the Fierce Deity and Majora's story before they were sealed into masks.

Which would you guys prefer to see first, and would you actually read them?

Okay, I'm done now.

Until next time n.n

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