Chapter Two: The Only Hope

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For what feels like days, Zelda and I tear our way through the plains of Central Hyrule, hopping from place to place in a desperate attempt to figure out just what is wrong with me. We've visited the Rito, hoping that the pure air surrounding their village would have some sort of effect. Nothing. We visited the Gorons, certain that the springs dotting Death Mountain would alleviate the odd marks that keep multiplying over my skin. Finally, we journeyed all the way out to the Gerudo Desert, only to be met with the same fate.

Nobody has any idea what's happening to me. We've searched and searched for answers, consulted Impa in Kakariko Village, journeyed to Hateno in the hopes that Purah may be able to reach a conclusion. All that's ever said is exactly the same thing: these are dark marks. So, with everywhere else on the list crossed off, it seems there's one last place to check. Zora Domain, the home of Mipha, a good friend and loyal warrior when I needed her most on my journeys, healing me beyond the point one would expect. Perhaps some of her powers still flutter around the place in which she once lived.

So to there we travel, the subtle clicking of our horse's hooves cracking the heavy silence that has long since settled between Zelda and I. I can't remember the last time she seemed so focused, so set. In fact, I'm sure it was back when she was trying to unlock the sealing power 100 years ago, before the Great Calamity stole everything away from the both of us. The only survivors of a terrible, unforgiving war that almost stripped me bare of my life.

"This is our only hope. If the Zora don't have a cure, then I'm afraid of the outcome," the often-silent princess suddenly murmurs from beside me, not lifting her gaze, merely staring down at the vanilla mane of her ivory steed. "Our last chance will be to face the goddesses and pray for their guidance. I wish I knew what else we could do," she whispers, voice low and incredibly quiet. It's so unlike her, it's almost frightening.

Then again, this entire situation is just that. It's terrifying for both of us. As her best friend, protector, and loyal knight, to lose me would be an incredible blow I'm unsure she would be able to handle. Yes, Zelda is strong in the face of tragedy, but even the strongest rocks will crack under enough pressure. My death, or whatever these marks intend to do with me, would surely result in that final fracture.

So, to avoid upsetting her any more, I merely keep myself as silent and stoic as usual, lips pressed firmly together so as to not create a noise, though I do bow my head in order to cloak my face a little more. Some of the Zora people still don't forgive me for Mipha's fate, blaming me and my kind for the travesty that occurred over 100 years ago. I'm sure that, upon seeing the dark marks littering my skin, they'd be a little less than impressed. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they cast me into the depths to perish for daring to come close with such symbols of darkness. The exact darkness that took my friend's life.

Despite the silence being almost unbearably heavy around the pair of us, by the time I find the courage to finally break it, the princess gently dismounts from her stallion, the heels of her shoes clacking on the marble bridge beneath her feet. Following suit, I too hop down from Epona's back, patting her neck in an assuring manner. "Come. We need to find Prince Sidon. He can take us to his father," she says, taking the lead approach towards the domain.

And, as usual, I follow along behind her, my head tilted towards the floor, cheeks hidden by the drowning fabric of my hood. I didn't even think about what Sidon would say. The last time we met, I had saved his people. He saw me as a hero, somebody worthy of incredible respect. He believed in me, even when the elders of his people shared their distaste towards me. Despite everything, he only ever saw me in a glowing light, instead of resenting me for the reason most others did.

Sighing, shutting my eyes a touch, I silently slip my hands around my midsection, anxiety beginning to fester within me. The minute he sees these marks over me, I doubt he'll retain that constant smile. The brightness from his features will almost definitely fade. And, when that happens, I doubt I shall be able to forgive myself. He always did have a nice, encouraging smile. "Prince Sidon. It's been quite some time, hasn't it?" Zelda hums, snapping me out of my thoughts, her tone exceedingly brighter when addressing the Zora prince, my eyes fluttering up so that I'm able to blink over her shoulder at the impressive form before her.

"Princess! It's an honour to meet you again after all this time. Last we met, I was a mere boy," Sidon exclaims, bowing his head as a sign of respect, though Zelda merely chuckles and tucks back a few strands of her golden hair.

"Yes, I do remember. You were quite the troublemaker, always getting yourself in trouble," she responds, smiling at the burgundy-skinned prince with a kindness that can never seem false, no matter how little truth lies behind it.

"So, what brings you to the Zora Domain? Is all well?" Sidon hums, finally casting those golden eyes of his in my direction, features immediately illuminating with a joy I fondly recall, the prince excitedly padding closer to me, offering me one of those signature grins. "Link! I can't even express how grateful I am to be with you again. You saved my people, you truly are an incredible presence to be around."

"I-... Thank you," I quietly murmur, having never really been one for words. Though, that doesn't stop me from gasping in surprise when Sidon takes my hand in his, shaking it as roughly as he did when he thanked me after I saved his people. It seems that, even now, he hasn't learned his own strength. However, in doing so, out of my own control, the hood of my cloak suddenly slips back, revealing my face and the dark markings littering it, the knots in my stomach constricting further the moment Sidon falls silent.

"Link... What-"

"-Prince Sidon, we need to speak with your father. I-... You're the only hope we have left."



I know it probably didn't seem like it, but I did get this chapter done! I'm so glad too; I love this story, and it's just so easy to write. Also I just played through the Zora segment in Breath of the Wild again on my new Switch and it put me into the mood to write this <3

Sidon is such an adorable babu omg >~<

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^

Until next time n.n

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