『 fourteen: CHANGELING. 』

Start from the beginning

Edward gave Emmett a look, his golden eyes that were once deranged softened as he looked upon the scared fifteen year old, "Juniper," He spoke tenderly. "Your reaction depends on this entire plan. You mum convince your parents in anyway you must."

June nodded silently, "I know." She murmured.

Bella noticed the sullen face of her younger sister and reached over and kissed her hand, "June-Bug, just know I don't mean anything I say," Bella tells her firmly. "We have to do this, okay? For your mom and for dad. Promise me you'll follow my lead."

"Bella," June wanted to cry then. "There has to be—"

"There isn't another way," Bella shook her head somberly. "But I love you. I'll be back, I promise. Edward and Emmett and all of them will kill James, so nothing will never threaten us again. I love you."

"I don't want to you to go," June admits helplessly.

Bella cups her sisters face, "It won't be forever, just for now — the Swan sisters, together forever, yeah? I promised remember?" She says just as broken. The Cullen brothers look away from the emotional scene. "You're so strong, but you gotta be stronger right now. Okay? Let's go."

And just like that, the scene is in motion. The lights were on in the house which meant her parents were still waiting up for her. Bella's slamming Edward's door and June's running into the house with furious tears behind her. Charlie and Daphne, sitting on the couch in the living room, sit up startled as they hear the door rip open and their fifteen year old daughter bursting through, crying, wiping her beautiful tear stained face as she comes in.

"June?" Charlie asks immediately, his face furrowed in concern. "Baby, what's going on—?"

June's running up the stairs but pauses to look back at her dad, "Why don't you ask her?!" She points to the front door. "She's the reason for everything that's gonna be ruined anyway!"

Bella bursted in through the entrance just at that moment, slamming the door in Edward's face. "Go away, Edward!" She yelled as she roughly moved past June.

"Bella! Please!" June called up as Bella raced to her room. She was being truthful in her pleas, and her sister could hear it which made this all the more harder.

"No, June!" Bella's voice called out.

Daphne came up, her warm hand on June's as she looked at her with a concerned face, "Sweetheart, what's going on?" She asks hurriedly.

June cried a bit, Daphne pulling her into her arms as she stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her, "Dad, Bella's leaving!"

At that, Charlie's eyes widened and he rushed up the stairs as well. June knew what must've been going through his mind, his eldest daughter leaving the perfect picture June had been sighing content my upon the other day. They had all been fine. All it took was that moment of nearness, that moment of danger and consequences that changed them in an instant. Charlie was banging on the door, they could hear his calls for Bella to open the door but June knew she must've been packing all her things at the moment. They heard the door open and Bella push through into the bathroom, gathering things still. Charlie asked a series of questions about Edward and if he broke up with her to which Bella replied that she herself had ended the relationship.

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