The past and it's wonders

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The gang were driving, War had still been unconscious from the fight, probably a concussion but these people almost being immortals, she could walk it off tomorrow most likely. Death was driving his mustang, focusing on the road whilst Pestilence was looking at picture he found in his jacket pocket

"Been a long time since I've seen this..." He spoke, trailing off his words.

"Hmm?" Death hummed at him, hoping for an explanation or such.

"Nothing man, just, something from the past." He said, beginning to think back.

The view would come into a cabin in the woods, it being stained green on the outside with a dark brown roof, odd colour choices but it was lovely to the little tike who lived inside, the view going into an open window, showing  a four foot two Pestilence, wearing a green cloak and playing with a wooden sword, it being around the times when the railroads were being built. the hum of a woman could be heard and a voice belonging to an angel

"Child, please come here and help me fold clothes?" The voice would speak, a motherly tone to it.

"Coming mother!" The small brown haired child spoke, standing and rushing to the origin of the noise.

"Ah, there's my little darling." The voice said, then the sun light would bask on her, showing a hazel eyed woman with blonde hair, her eyes would have little tinges of worry hear and there for her child, though she loved the small plague master none the less. She held something behind her back, staring down in awe at the small child who saw her as the light of his world, his prized possession and one true reason to spare humanity of the pain it deserved. The unnamed woman of this child of the plague, held something behind her back, it was a gift to her young one, something he'd seen and wanted of his own.

"Darling, I've got something for you." She'd say, moving her hands in front of her showing a almost beige coloured plague doctor's mask with small roses painted on the side.

"T-Thank you mother!" The small Pestilence would scream, hugging his mother by the waist, her white apron from her bakery still having a tad of flour on it.

"I love you my little plague child, forever and always." she spoke, the small sentence sounding like something the child always desired, someone to love him till the end of time.

She just looked down at the small child, rubbing his messy brown hair that had little tuffs sticking up at random places, he was a rowdy child, he would start fights with other children but he only really cared about his mother, for he was the only one who accepted him, and she knew this, it saddened her, but it also brought her joy that her little plague child would be there for her.

"Alright my child, go get ready to rest, it's quite late." she spoke with a warm smile on her face.

"Alright Mother, I love you." Pestilence spoke, walking down the slightly short hallway of the cabin. With that, the younger version of pestilence went to sleep, tired from the days events. When the young child arose, he appeared to be in the middle of a snowy forest, he was freezing, yet he was also warm, he knew not the area he was in.

"H-Hello?! Mother!?" He screamed out into the howling winds of the cold, appearing that no one could hear him, he started to trudge through out the snow. Days became nights, weeks became months, months became years since he'd last seen his town, mother or home, but he would search. The view would turn back to the present Pestilence, tears falling out of his eyes on the black and white photo of his mother that he'd kept in his pajama's the night he fell asleep, since then, he became an insomniac, afraid to leave his friends and family again in his sleep.

"Romans thirty eight, thirty nine, You will be loved forever." he spoke, referring to the memory of the woman whom raised him from the day of his birth till the night of his disappearance.

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